[Mostra/Amaga Menús de la dreta]

  • Món
    • No hi ha cap idioma assignat a aquesta pàgina.


Lines 1301 a 2600
// "Display page version" => "Display page version",
// "Display the page version information when viewing the page" => "Display the page version information when viewing the page",
// "Display page name above page" => "Display page name above page",
// "Display page name above page instead of inside page" => "Display page name above page instead of inside page",
// "Page name display stripper" => "Page name display stripper",
// "Character to use as a delimiter in the page name. The portion of the name after this character will not be displayed" => "Character to use as a delimiter in the page name. The portion of the name after this character will not be displayed",
// "Wiki author list style" => "Wiki author list style",
// "Changes the list format used to display the authors of the page" => "Changes the list format used to display the authors of the page",
// "Creator & Author" => "Creator & Author",
// "none (disabled)" => "none (disabled)",
// "Specify wiki author list style per page" => "Specify wiki author list style per page",
// "Allows to modify the style in which the author list is displayed on a per-page basis" => "Allows to modify the style in which the author list is displayed on a per-page basis",
// "Wiki action bar location" => "Wiki action bar location",
// "Buttons: Save, Preview, Cancel, .." => "Buttons: Save, Preview, Cancel, ..",
// "Wiki navigation bar location" => "Wiki navigation bar location",
// "Wiki top line location" => "Wiki top line location",
// "Enable page cache globally for wiki pages" => "Enable page cache globally for wiki pages",
// "Allow comments per wiki page" => "Allow comments per wiki page",
// "Enable control for comments on wiki pages individually" => "Enable control for comments on wiki pages individually",
// "Enable (default On)" => "Enable (default On)",
// "Enable (default Off)" => "Enable (default Off)",
// "Enable edit plugin icons" => "Enable edit plugin icons",
// "Permits editing of a plugin, via a popup form, without needing to edit the whole page" => "Permits editing of a plugin, via a popup form, without needing to edit the whole page",
// "Requires JavaScript" => "Requires JavaScript",
// "Prevent special characters in page names" => "Prevent special characters in page names",
// "Some characters may prevent the pages from being easily accessible from the URL or through wiki links. This option prevents from creating pages with such characters" => "Some characters may prevent the pages from being easily accessible from the URL or through wiki links. This option prevents from creating pages with such characters",
// "Page ranking reload probability" => "Page ranking reload probability",
// "Calculation of page rankings is an expensive task that cannot be performed at every page load. It will be calculated at random page loads based on a dice roll. This option indicates the amount of faces on the dice. Larger numbers lead to less load, but less accurate ranking" => "Calculation of page rankings is an expensive task that cannot be performed at every page load. It will be calculated at random page loads based on a dice roll. This option indicates the amount of faces on the dice. Larger numbers lead to less load, but less accurate ranking",
// "Encourage contribution to wiki pages by anonymous" => "Encourage contribution to wiki pages by anonymous",
// "When a page is not editable and the user is anonymous, display the edit links anyway. The visitor will be prompted with a login screen and be encouraged to register" => "When a page is not editable and the user is anonymous, display the edit links anyway. The visitor will be prompted with a login screen and be encouraged to register",
// "Warn before page lock timeout" => "Warn before page lock timeout",
// "Provide a JavaScript alert before the user\\'s lock on a page times out" => "Provide a JavaScript alert before the user\\'s lock on a page times out",
// "Global snippets of text that can be included in wiki pages and edited in place" => "Global snippets of text that can be included in wiki pages and edited in place",
// "Single (%varname%)" => "Single (%varname%)",
// "Double (%%varname%%)" => "Double (%%varname%%)",
// "Multilingual dynamic variables" => "Multilingual dynamic variables",
// "Make dynamic variable content language specific" => "Make dynamic variable content language specific",
// "Edit section" => "Edit section",
// "Edit section level" => "Edit section level",
// "Toggle display of section and plugin edit icons" => "Toggle display of section and plugin edit icons",
// "Allow minor edits" => "Allow minor edits",
// "Slideshows" => "Slideshows",
// "Watch minor edits" => "Watch minor edits",
// "Page ID" => "Page ID",
// "Name length" => "Name length",
// "Edit comments" => "Edit comments",
// "Edit Comment length" => "Edit Comment length",
// "Sort Direction" => "Sort Direction",
// "Forum for discussion" => "Forum for discussion",
// "Allow to manage keywords on a per-page basis" => "Allow to manage keywords on a per-page basis",
// "Similar pages only listed in same language" => "Similar pages only listed in same language",
// "When listing similar pages, such as in missing page 404, only display pages in the same language as the request" => "When listing similar pages, such as in missing page 404, only display pages in the same language as the request",
// "Mandatory edit summary on wiki pages" => "Mandatory edit summary on wiki pages",
// "Reject save attempts not providing an edit summary to describe the changes made" => "Reject save attempts not providing an edit summary to describe the changes made",
// "Structure navigation bar location" => "Structure navigation bar location",
// "Displays Next/Back buttons, breadcrumbs, and form to add a new page" => "Displays Next/Back buttons, breadcrumbs, and form to add a new page",
// "Maximum length (characters) to display/truncate for backlink page names. Use \"0\" for no truncation" => "Maximum length (characters) to display/truncate for backlink page names. Use \"0\" for no truncation",
// "Simple wiki ratings" => "Simple wiki ratings",
// "Enable users to rate articles based on a simple numeric scale" => "Enable users to rate articles based on a simple numeric scale",
// "Wiki rating options" => "Wiki rating options",
// "List of options available for the rating of wiki pages" => "List of options available for the rating of wiki pages",
// "Redirect pages using these prefix alias semantic links" => "Redirect pages using these prefix alias semantic links",
// "Comma separated list of prefixes of which pages will be redirected to page with semantic link" => "Comma separated list of prefixes of which pages will be redirected to page with semantic link",
// "Force bounce of editing of approved pages to staging" => "Force bounce of editing of approved pages to staging",
// "Replace freetags with that of staging pages, on approval" => "Replace freetags with that of staging pages, on approval",
// "Staging" => "Staging",
// "Approved" => "Approved",
// "(mandatory for feature to work)" => "(mandatory for feature to work)",
// "Out-of-sync" => "Out-of-sync",
// "Plugin %0" => "Plugin %0",
// "Global cache time for the plugin snarf in seconds" => "Global cache time for the plugin snarf in seconds",
// "Default cache time for the plugin snarf" => "Default cache time for the plugin snarf",
// "0 for no cache" => "0 for no cache",
// "Inline plugin %0" => "Inline plugin %0",
// "Wysiwyg Editor is displayed by default" => "Wysiwyg Editor is displayed by default",
// "This allows a mixture of wiki and html. All wiki syntax is parsed" => "This allows a mixture of wiki and html. All wiki syntax is parsed",
// "Content is partially wiki parsed" => "Content is partially wiki parsed",
// "This also allows a mixture of wiki and html. Only some wiki syntax is parsed, such as plugins (not inline character styles etc)" => "This also allows a mixture of wiki and html. Only some wiki syntax is parsed, such as plugins (not inline character styles etc)",
// "Wysiwyg editor skin" => "Wysiwyg editor skin",
// "Kama (Default)" => "Kama (Default)",
// "Office 2003" => "Office 2003",
// "V2 (FCKEditor appearance)" => "V2 (FCKEditor appearance)",
// "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" => "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG",
// "Experimental, new : Allow to keep the wiki syntax with the WYSIWYG editor. WARNING: plugin edit is not working in that case in WYSIWYG mode, use the Source mode instead " => "Experimental, new : Allow to keep the wiki syntax with the WYSIWYG editor. WARNING: plugin edit is not working in that case in WYSIWYG mode, use the Source mode instead ",
// "Font names" => "Font names",
// "List of font names separated by" => "List of font names separated by",
// "SMTP Server" => "SMTP Server",
// "SSL" => "SSL",
// "TLS" => "TLS",
// "Mail Sender" => "Mail Sender",
// "Sendmail" => "Sendmail",
// "SMTP" => "SMTP",
// "Authentication" => "Authentication",
// "Mail server authentication" => "Mail server authentication",
// "LOGIN" => "LOGIN",
// "PLAIN" => "PLAIN",
// "CRAM-MD5" => "CRAM-MD5",
// "Nothing was changed, please check profile for errors" => "Nothing was changed, please check profile for errors",
// "An error occurred: " => "An error occurred: ",
// "Applying profile" => "Applying profile",
// "Added (or modified)" => "Added (or modified)",
// "Preference set" => "Preference set",
// "Group changed (or modified)" => "Group changed (or modified)",
// "Modified permission %s for %s" => "Modified permission %s for %s",
// "Modified permission %s on %s/%s for %s" => "Modified permission %s on %s/%s for %s",
// "User %0 was added to %1" => "User %0 was added to %1",
// "File gallery does not exist" => "File gallery does not exist",
// "File gallery already exists" => "File gallery already exists",
// "Calendar does not exist" => "Calendar does not exist",
// "Calendar already exists" => "Calendar already exists",
// "Syntax error: " => "Syntax error: ",
// "Circular reference" => "Circular reference",
// "No name" => "No name",
// "Bad object" => "Bad object",
// "Permissions' object must have a field 'type' and 'id'" => "Permissions' object must have a field 'type' and 'id'",
// "Needs a 'type' and 'data' field" => "Needs a 'type' and 'data' field",
// "Expecting three arguments for article-info" => "Expecting three arguments for article-info",
// "Unsupported property. Supported properties are: ' . implode( " => "Unsupported property. Supported properties are: ' . implode( ",
// "Articles feature not enabled" => "Articles feature not enabled",
// "Unexpected values: %0" => "Unexpected values: %0",
// "Invalid property" => "Invalid property",
// "Object must be provided and contain two arguments: type and object" => "Object must be provided and contain two arguments: type and object",
// "Invalid range" => "Invalid range",
// "Invalid revote period" => "Invalid revote period",
// "Expecting \"keep\" to be \"latest\" or \"oldest\"" => "Expecting \"keep\" to be \"latest\" or \"oldest\"",
// "Unknown variables referenced: %0" => "Unknown variables referenced: %0",
// "Username is required" => "Username is required",
// "This invitation does not exist or is deprecated or wrong email" => "This invitation does not exist or is deprecated or wrong email",
// "uploaded the file" => "uploaded the file",
// "%0 added or updated event %1" => "%0 added or updated event %1",
// "%0 added or updated tracker item id %1 on tracker %2" => "%0 added or updated tracker item id %1 on tracker %2",
// "changes" => "changes",
// "No changes" => "No changes",
// "Yesterday" => "Yesterday",
// "more changes of the same type.." => "more changes of the same type..",
// "changed the picture gallery" => "changed the picture gallery",
// "uploaded the picture" => "uploaded the picture",
// "onto" => "onto",
// "removed the picture" => "removed the picture",
// "edited the wikipage" => "edited the wikipage",
// "this history" => "this history",
// "all history" => "all history",
// "edited the file gallery" => "edited the file gallery",
// "removed the file" => "removed the file",
// "added the %0 %1 to the category %2" => "added the %0 %1 to the category %2",
// "removed the %0 %1 from the category %2" => "removed the %0 %1 from the category %2",
// "created the subcategory" => "created the subcategory",
// "removed the subcategory" => "removed the subcategory",
// "edited the category" => "edited the category",
// "removed the article" => "removed the article",
// "created the article" => "created the article",
// "edited the article" => "edited the article",
// "replied to the blog" => "replied to the blog",
// "created the topic" => "created the topic",
// "at forum" => "at forum",
// "to the topic" => "to the topic",
// "Nothing has happened" => "Nothing has happened",
// "The fields title and description are mandatory to generate a feed" => "The fields title and description are mandatory to generate a feed",
// "To fix this error go to Admin -> Feeds" => "To fix this error go to Admin -> Feeds",
// "Please contact the site administrator and ask him to fix this error" => "Please contact the site administrator and ask him to fix this error",
// "If you set feed author email or url you have to set feed author name" => "If you set feed author email or url you have to set feed author name",
// "Feed logo" => "Feed logo",
// "You must choose an option" => "You must choose an option",
// "Last files uploaded to this file gallery. " => "Last files uploaded to this file gallery. ",
// "Last posts to this forum. " => "Last posts to this forum. ",
// "Last images uploaded to this image gallery. " => "Last images uploaded to this image gallery. ",
// "Last shoutbox messages" => "Last shoutbox messages",
// "Tiki RSS feed for shoutbox messages" => "Tiki RSS feed for shoutbox messages",
// "Last items published on this tracker" => "Last items published on this tracker",
// "UPS_CODE_' . \$xp->query( 'Service/Code" => "UPS_CODE_' . \$xp->query( 'Service/Code",
// "Click for Help" => "Click for Help",
// "You are not in group of friends to have the content of this block displayed for you" => "You are not in group of friends to have the content of this block displayed for you",
// "Smarty block.display.php: Missing error param" => "Smarty block.display.php: Missing error param",
// "tip" => "tip",
// "warning" => "warning",
// "confirm" => "confirm",
// "note" => "note",
// "errors" => "errors",
// "information" => "information",
// "Tab View" => "Tab View",
// "This edit session will expire in" => "This edit session will expire in",
// "<strong>Preview</strong> (if available) or <strong>Save</strong> your work to restart the edit session timer" => "<strong>Preview</strong> (if available) or <strong>Save</strong> your work to restart the edit session timer",
// "There is an autosaved version of this content, to use it instead of this saved one" => "There is an autosaved version of this content, to use it instead of this saved one",
// "If you want the saved version instead of this autosaved draft" => "If you want the saved version instead of this autosaved draft",
// "<strong>Thank you for trying the new ckeditor implementation for Tiki 6</strong><br /><br />" => "<strong>Thank you for trying the new ckeditor implementation for Tiki 6</strong><br /><br />",
// "Some of the settings at this site should be set differently for this to work best. Please ask the administrator to try this" => "Some of the settings at this site should be set differently for this to work best. Please ask the administrator to try this",
// "Ckeditor Development Notice" => "Ckeditor Development Notice",
// "Some of your preferences should be set differently for this to work at it's best. Please click this to apply the recommended profile" => "Some of your preferences should be set differently for this to work at it's best. Please click this to apply the recommended profile",
// "Admin page" => "Admin page",
// "Plugin name not specified" => "Plugin name not specified",
// "Hour" => "Hour",
// "Minute" => "Minute",
// "Month beginning" => "Month beginning",
// "Week beginning" => "Week beginning",
// "Data (change %)" => "Data (change %)",
// "No object information provided" => "No object information provided",
// "No rules to display object %1 of type %0" => "No rules to display object %1 of type %0",
// "Relation not found" => "Relation not found",
// "Currency in payment (%0) does not match the currency for that registry (%1)" => "Currency in payment (%0) does not match the currency for that registry (%1)",
// "This invoice does not exist or is in limited access" => "This invoice does not exist or is in limited access",
// "PHPLayersMenus are not enabled on this site" => "PHPLayersMenus are not enabled on this site",
// "Preference name not specified" => "Preference name not specified",
// " (found in " => " (found in ",
// "(not found in an admin panel)" => "(not found in an admin panel)",
// "Preference %0 is not defined" => "Preference %0 is not defined",
// "No object information provided for rating" => "No object information provided for rating",
// "An error occured" => "An error occured",
// "No rows found" => "No rows found",
// "Number of items in _checkboxColumnIndex doesn not match items in _checkbox" => "Number of items in _checkboxColumnIndex doesn not match items in _checkbox",
// "Number of items in _checkboxTitles doesn not match items in _checkbox" => "Number of items in _checkboxTitles doesn not match items in _checkbox",
// "Toggle sections" => "Toggle sections",
// "Show only selected" => "Show only selected",
// "You might want to also set the tiki_p_modify_object_categories permission under the tiki section" => "You might want to also set the tiki_p_modify_object_categories permission under the tiki section",
// "years" => "years",
// "More info about %0 (idle for %1)" => "More info about %0 (idle for %1)",
// " seconds" => " seconds",
// "Permission denied: the specified wiki page cannot be used as Smarty template resource" => "Permission denied: the specified wiki page cannot be used as Smarty template resource",
// "Days with the most pageviews" => "Days with the most pageviews",
// "Day with the most pageviews" => "Day with the most pageviews",
// "Days with the least pageviews" => "Days with the least pageviews",
// "Day with the least pageviews" => "Day with the least pageviews",
// "No pageviews yet" => "No pageviews yet",
// "n/a" => "n/a",
// "Unknown conversion" => "Unknown conversion",
// "Required features: <b>%0</b>. If you do not have the privileges to activate these features, ask the site administrator" => "Required features: <b>%0</b>. If you do not have the privileges to activate these features, ask the site administrator",
// "Plugin <strong>%0</strong> does not exist" => "Plugin <strong>%0</strong> does not exist",
// "(external link)" => "(external link)",
// "smiling" => "smiling",
// "grinning" => "grinning",
// "crying" => "crying",
// "frightened" => "frightened",
// "evil stuff" => "evil stuff",
// "exclamation mark " => "exclamation mark ",
// "frowning" => "frowning",
// "light bulb" => "light bulb",
// "idea " => "idea ",
// "LOL" => "LOL",
// "laughing out loud " => "laughing out loud ",
// "mr. green laughing" => "mr. green laughing",
// "The file was uploaded with success" => "The file was uploaded with success",
// "No file was uploaded. Was a file selected " => "No file was uploaded. Was a file selected ",
// "A temporary folder is missing" => "A temporary folder is missing",
// "Unknown error" => "Unknown error",
// "Bold" => "Bold",
// "pics/icons/text_bold.png" => "pics/icons/text_bold.png",
// "Italic" => "Italic",
// "pics/icons/text_italic.png" => "pics/icons/text_italic.png",
// "Underline" => "Underline",
// "pics/icons/text_underline.png" => "pics/icons/text_underline.png",
// "Strikethrough" => "Strikethrough",
// "pics/icons/text_strikethrough.png" => "pics/icons/text_strikethrough.png",
// "Non-parsed (Wiki syntax does not apply)" => "Non-parsed (Wiki syntax does not apply)",
// "pics/icons/noparse.png" => "pics/icons/noparse.png",
// "Align Center" => "Align Center",
// "pics/icons/text_align_center.png" => "pics/icons/text_align_center.png",
// "Horizontal Bar" => "Horizontal Bar",
// "pics/icons/page.png" => "pics/icons/page.png",
// "Page Break" => "Page Break",
// "pics/icons/page_break.png" => "pics/icons/page_break.png",
// "pics/icons/box.png" => "pics/icons/box.png",
// "pics/icons/email.png" => "pics/icons/email.png",
// "pics/icons/book.png" => "pics/icons/book.png",
// "pics/icons/text_list_bullets.png" => "pics/icons/text_list_bullets.png",
// "pics/icons/text_list_numbers.png" => "pics/icons/text_list_numbers.png",
// "lib/ckeditor_tiki/ckeditor-icons/specialchar.gif" => "lib/ckeditor_tiki/ckeditor-icons/specialchar.gif",
// "img/smiles/icon_smile.gif" => "img/smiles/icon_smile.gif",
// "pics/icons/palette.png" => "pics/icons/palette.png",
// "pics/icons/palette_bg.png" => "pics/icons/palette_bg.png",
// "pics/icons/page_link.png" => "pics/icons/page_link.png",
// "pics/icons/world_link.png" => "pics/icons/world_link.png",
// "pics/icons/table.png" => "pics/icons/table.png",
// "pics/icons/find.png" => "pics/icons/find.png",
// "pics/icons/text_replace.png" => "pics/icons/text_replace.png",
// "Wysiwyg Help" => "Wysiwyg Help",
// "pics/icons/pictures.png" => "pics/icons/pictures.png",
// "pics/icons/pencil_go.png" => "pics/icons/pencil_go.png",
// "pics/icons/disk.png" => "pics/icons/disk.png",
// "Add Row After Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Row After Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "pics/icons/sheet_row_add.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_row_add.png",
// "Add Multiple Rows After Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Multiple Rows After Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "pics/icons/sheet_row_add_multi.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_row_add_multi.png",
// "Add Row Before Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Row Before Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "Delete Selected Row" => "Delete Selected Row",
// "pics/icons/sheet_row_delete.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_row_delete.png",
// "Add Column After Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Column After Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "pics/icons/sheet_col_add.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_col_add.png",
// "Delete Selected Column" => "Delete Selected Column",
// "pics/icons/sheet_col_delete.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_col_delete.png",
// "Add Multiple Columns After Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Multiple Columns After Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "pics/icons/sheet_col_add_multi.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_col_add_multi.png",
// "Add Column Before Selection Or To End If No Selection" => "Add Column Before Selection Or To End If No Selection",
// "pics/icons/sheet_get_range.png" => "pics/icons/sheet_get_range.png",
// "pics/icons/arrow_refresh.png" => "pics/icons/arrow_refresh.png",
// "pics/icons/close.png" => "pics/icons/close.png",
// "Admin Toolbars" => "Admin Toolbars",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows alphanumeric text input in a one-line field of arbitrary size.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,max,autocomplete</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,80,\$,,80\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible length of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that can be saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[autocomplete]</strong> if y autocomplete while typing;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows alphanumeric text input in a one-line field of arbitrary size.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,max,autocomplete</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,80,\$,,80\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible length of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that can be saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[autocomplete]</strong> if y autocomplete while typing;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows alphanumeric text input in a multi-line field of arbitrary size.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>toolbars,width,height,max,listmax,wordmax,distinct</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,80,5,200,30\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[toolbars]</strong> enables toolbars if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[width]</strong> is the width of the box, in chars;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[height]</strong> is the number of visible lines in the box;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that can be saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listmax]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[wordmax]</strong> will alert if word count exceeded with a positive number (1+) or display a word count with a negative number (-1);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[distinct]</strong> is y or n. y = all values of the field must be different\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows alphanumeric text input in a multi-line field of arbitrary size.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>toolbars,width,height,max,listmax,wordmax,distinct</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,80,5,200,30\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[toolbars]</strong> enables toolbars if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[width]</strong> is the width of the box, in chars;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[height]</strong> is the number of visible lines in the box;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that can be saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listmax]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[wordmax]</strong> will alert if word count exceeded with a positive number (1+) or display a word count with a negative number (-1);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[distinct]</strong> is y or n. y = all values of the field must be different\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a checkbox field for yes/no, on/off input.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field on the same row if a 1 is specified.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a checkbox field for yes/no, on/off input.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field on the same row if a 1 is specified.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a one-line field for numeric input only.  Prepend or append values may be alphanumeric.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,decimals,dec_point,thousands</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,60,,hours\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible size of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[decimals]</strong> sets the number of decimal places;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[dec_point]</strong> sets the separator for the decimal point (decimals must also be set). Use c for comma and s for space;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[thousands]</strong> sets the thousands separator. Use c for comma and s for space. Setting only commas will result in no decimals \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand commas as the thousands seprator;<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a one-line field for numeric input only.  Prepend or append values may be alphanumeric.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,decimals,dec_point,thousands</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,60,,hours\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible size of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[decimals]</strong> sets the number of decimal places;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[dec_point]</strong> sets the separator for the decimal point (decimals must also be set). Use c for comma and s for space;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[thousands]</strong> sets the thousands separator. Use c for comma and s for space. Setting only commas will result in no decimals \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand commas as the thousands seprator;<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "currency amount" => "currency amount",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a one-line field for numeric input only.  Prepend or append values may be alphanumeric.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,locale,symbol,first</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,60,,per item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible size of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[locale]</strong> set locale for currency formatting, for example en_US or en_US.UTF-8 or en_US.ISO-8559-1 (default=en_US);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[currency]</strong> The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use (default=USD);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[symbol]</strong> i for international symbol, n for local (default=n);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[all_symbol]</strong> set to 1 to show symbol for every item (default only shows currency symbol on first item in a list) ;\n\t\t\t\t<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a one-line field for numeric input only.  Prepend or append values may be alphanumeric.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>samerow,size,prepend,append,locale,symbol,first</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,60,,per item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[samerow]</strong> will display the next field or checkbox in the same row if a 1 is specified;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible size of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed just after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[locale]</strong> set locale for currency formatting, for example en_US or en_US.UTF-8 or en_US.ISO-8559-1 (default=en_US);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[currency]</strong> The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use (default=USD);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[symbol]</strong> i for international symbol, n for local (default=n);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[all_symbol]</strong> set to 1 to show symbol for every item (default only shows currency symbol on first item in a list) ;\n\t\t\t\t<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to select only from a specified set of options in a drop-down bar.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list_of_items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the drop-down, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear once in the list as the default selection.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to select only from a specified set of options in a drop-down bar.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list_of_items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the drop-down, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear once in the list as the default selection.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to select from a specified set of options in a drop-down bar, or provide an alternate selection in a one-line text field.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list_of_items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the drop-down, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear once in the list as the default selection.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to select from a specified set of options in a drop-down bar, or provide an alternate selection in a one-line text field.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list_of_items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the drop-down, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear once in the list as the default selection.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a multiple-choice-style set of options from which a user may only choose one.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list of items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the set, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear as the one selected.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>If first option is &lt;br&gt;, options will be separated with a carriage return\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a multiple-choice-style set of options from which a user may only choose one.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list_of_items</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: yes,no\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[list of items]</strong> is the list of all values you want in the set, separated by commas;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if you wish to specify a default value other than the first item, enter the value twice, consecutively, and it will appear as the one selected.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>If first option is &lt;br&gt;, options will be separated with a carriage return\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of usernames.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign,email_notify</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the creator of the item if set to 1, or will set the selection to the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will give the choice between all the users for other values;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[email_notify]</strong> will send an email to the assigned user when the item is saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of usernames.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign,email_notify</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the creator of the item if set to 1, or will set the selection to the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will give the choice between all the users for other values;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[email_notify]</strong> will send an email to the assigned user when the item is saved;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of usergroups.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the field to the usergroup of the creator if set to 1, or will set the selection to the group of the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will give the choice between all the groups for other values;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if the user does not have a default group set, the first group the user belongs to will be chosen, otherwise Registered group will be used.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of usergroups.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the field to the usergroup of the creator if set to 1, or will set the selection to the group of the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will give the choice between all the groups for other values;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if the user does not have a default group set, the first group the user belongs to will be chosen, otherwise Registered group will be used.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a field for entering an IP address.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-populate the field with the IP address of the user who created the item if set to 1, or will set the field to the IP of the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will be a free IP for other values.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a field for entering an IP address.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-populate the field with the IP address of the user who created the item if set to 1, or will set the field to the IP of the user who last modified the item if set to 2, or will be a free IP for other values.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "page selector" => "page selector",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from the list of pages.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign, size, create</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the creator of the item if set to 1\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible input length of the field in characters (<=0 not limited);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[create]</strong> will create the page if not exits copy of the page with name value of this param.which pagename is the value of this param\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[link]</strong> will not display the link to the page if equals to n \n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from the list of pages.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>auto-assign, size, create</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[auto-assign]</strong> will auto-assign the creator of the item if set to 1\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible input length of the field in characters (<=0 not limited);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[create]</strong> will create the page if not exits copy of the page with name value of this param.which pagename is the value of this param\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[link]</strong> will not display the link to the page if equals to n \n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of countries.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>name_flag,sort</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,0\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[name_flag]</strong> default is 0 and will display both the country name and its flag, 1 will display only the country name, while 2 will show only the country flag;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[sortorder]</strong> specifies the order the country list should be displayed in, where 0 is the default and sorts according to the translated name, and 1 sorts according to the english name;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if the country names are translated and option 1 is selected for the sort order, the countries will still appear translated, but will merely be in english order.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a selection from a specified list of countries.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>name_flag,sort</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,0\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[name_flag]</strong> default is 0 and will display both the country name and its flag, 1 will display only the country name, while 2 will show only the country flag;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[sortorder]</strong> specifies the order the country list should be displayed in, where 0 is the default and sorts according to the translated name, and 1 sorts according to the english name;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>if the country names are translated and option 1 is selected for the sort order, the countries will still appear translated, but will merely be in english order.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides drop-down options to accurately select a date and/or time.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>datetime,startyear,endyear,blankdate</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: d,2000,,blank\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[datetime]</strong> will only allow a date to be selected if set to \"d\", and allows a full date and time selection if set to \"dt\", defaulting to \"dt\";\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[startyear]</strong> allows you to specify a custom first year in the date range (eg. 1987), default is current year;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[endyear]</strong> allows you to specify a custom end year in the date range (eg. 2020), default is 4 years from now;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[blankdate]</strong> when set to \"blank\" will default the initial date field to an empty date, and allow selection of empty dates;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>blankdate is overridden if the field isMandatory;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>when set to \"empty\" will allow selection of empty date but default to current date\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: \"d,2000,2009,blank\"\n\t\t\t\t<dd>sets a date only field from 2000 through 2009, allowing blank dates.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides drop-down options to accurately select a date and/or time.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>datetime,startyear,endyear,blankdate</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: d,2000,,blank\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[datetime]</strong> will only allow a date to be selected if set to \"d\", and allows a full date and time selection if set to \"dt\", defaulting to \"dt\";\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[startyear]</strong> allows you to specify a custom first year in the date range (eg. 1987), default is current year;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[endyear]</strong> allows you to specify a custom end year in the date range (eg. 2020), default is 4 years from now;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[blankdate]</strong> when set to \"blank\" will default the initial date field to an empty date, and allow selection of empty dates;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>blankdate is overridden if the field isMandatory;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>when set to \"empty\" will allow selection of empty date but default to current date\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: \"d,2000,2009,blank\"\n\t\t\t\t<dd>sets a date only field from 2000 through 2009, allowing blank dates.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a javascript graphical date selector to select a date and/or time.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>datetime</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: dt\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[datetime]</strong> will only allow a date to be selected if set to \"d\", and allows a full date and time selection if set to \"dt\", defaulting to \"dt\".\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a javascript graphical date selector to select a date and/or time.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>datetime</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: dt\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[datetime]</strong> will only allow a date to be selected if set to \"d\", and allows a full date and time selection if set to \"dt\", defaulting to \"dt\".\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows user to upload an image into the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale,shadowBox</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 30,30,100,100,1000,item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[xListSize]</strong> sets the pixel width of the image in the list view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[yListSize]</strong> sets the pixel height of the image in the list view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[xDetailSize]</strong> sets the pixel width of the image in the item view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[yDetailSize]</strong> sets the pixel height of the image in the item view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[uploadLimitScale]</strong> sets the maximum total size of the image, in pixels (width or height);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[shadowbox]</strong> actives a shadowbox(if feature on) = \\'item\\': to use the same shadowbox for an item, =\\'individual\\': to use a shadowbox only for this image, other value= to set the group of images of the shadowbox ;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>images are stored in img/trackers;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows user to upload an image into the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale,shadowBox</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 30,30,100,100,1000,item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[xListSize]</strong> sets the pixel width of the image in the list view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[yListSize]</strong> sets the pixel height of the image in the list view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[xDetailSize]</strong> sets the pixel width of the image in the item view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[yDetailSize]</strong> sets the pixel height of the image in the item view;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[uploadLimitScale]</strong> sets the maximum total size of the image, in pixels (width or height);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[shadowbox]</strong> actives a shadowbox(if feature on) = \\'item\\': to use the same shadowbox for an item, =\\'individual\\': to use a shadowbox only for this image, other value= to set the group of images of the shadowbox ;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>images are stored in img/trackers;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: ?\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example:\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[label]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[post]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[tiki-index.php]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[page:fieldname]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[highlight=test]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: ?\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example:\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[label]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[post]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[tiki-index.php]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[page:fieldname]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[highlight=test]</strong> needs explanation;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: will display the field name as a html header h2;\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>level</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 2\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[level]</strong> level of the html header (default 2)\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: will display the field name as a html header h2;\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>level</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 2\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[level]</strong> level of the html header (default 2)\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows insertion of a static block of text into a tracker to augment input fields. (non-editable)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>wikiparse,max</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,20\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[wikiparse]</strong> will allow wiki syntax to be parsed if set to 1, otherwise default is 0 to only support line-breaks;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows insertion of a static block of text into a tracker to augment input fields. (non-editable)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>wikiparse,max</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,20\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[wikiparse]</strong> will allow wiki syntax to be parsed if set to 1, otherwise default is 0 to only support line-breaks;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[max]</strong> is the maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows one or more categories under a main category to be assigned to the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>parentId,inputtype,selectall,descendants</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 12,radio,1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[parentId]</strong> is the ID of the main category, categories in the list will be children of this;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[inputtype]</strong> is one of [d|m|radio|checkbox], where d is a drop-down list, m is a multiple-selection drop-down list, radio and checkbox are self-explanatory;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[selectall]</strong> will provide a checkbox to automatically select all categories in the list if set to 1, default is 0;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[descendants]</strong> All descendant categories (not just first level children) will be included if set to 1, default is 0;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows one or more categories under a main category to be assigned to the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>parentId,inputtype,selectall,descendants</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 12,radio,1\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[parentId]</strong> is the ID of the main category, categories in the list will be children of this;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[inputtype]</strong> is one of [d|m|radio|checkbox], where d is a drop-down list, m is a multiple-selection drop-down list, radio and checkbox are self-explanatory;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[selectall]</strong> will provide a checkbox to automatically select all categories in the list if set to 1, default is 0;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[descendants]</strong> All descendant categories (not just first level children) will be included if set to 1, default is 0;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a way to choose a value from another tracker (eventually with a link).\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem,displayedFieldsList</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 3,5,0,6|8,opc,PageName\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the tracker ID of the fields you want to display;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldId]</strong> is the field in [trackerId] from which you can select a value among all the field values of the items of [trackerId];\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkToItem]</strong> if set to 0 will simply display the value, but if set to 1 will provide a link directly to the item in the other tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[displayedFieldsList]</strong> is a list of fields in [trackerId] to display instead of [fieldId], multiple fields can be separated with a |;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[status]</strong> filter on status (o, p, c, op, oc, pc or opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkPage]</strong> is the name of the wiki page to link to with trackerlist plugin in it; \n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a way to choose a value from another tracker (eventually with a link).\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem,displayedFieldsList</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 3,5,0,6|8,opc,PageName\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the tracker ID of the fields you want to display;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldId]</strong> is the field in [trackerId] from which you can select a value among all the field values of the items of [trackerId];\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkToItem]</strong> if set to 0 will simply display the value, but if set to 1 will provide a link directly to the item in the other tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[displayedFieldsList]</strong> is a list of fields in [trackerId] to display instead of [fieldId], multiple fields can be separated with a |;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[status]</strong> filter on status (o, p, c, op, oc, pc or opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkPage]</strong> is the name of the wiki page to link to with trackerlist plugin in it; \n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Displays a list of field values from another tracker that has a relation with this tracker(eventually with a link).\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,fieldIdThere,fieldIdHere,displayFieldIdThere,linkToItems</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 5,3,4,10|11\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the tracker ID of the fields you want to display;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldIdThere]</strong> is the field (multiple fields can be separated with a \":\") you want to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldIdHere]</strong> is the field in this tracker you want to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[displayFieldIdThere]</strong> the field(s) in [trackerId] you want to display, multiple fields can be separated by \"|\";\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkToItems]</strong> if set to 0 will simply display the value, but if set to 1 will provide a link directly to that values item in the other tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[status]</strong> filter on status (o, p, c, op, oc, pc or opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Displays a list of field values from another tracker that has a relation with this tracker(eventually with a link).\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,fieldIdThere,fieldIdHere,displayFieldIdThere,linkToItems</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 5,3,4,10|11\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the tracker ID of the fields you want to display;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldIdThere]</strong> is the field (multiple fields can be separated with a \":\") you want to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[fieldIdHere]</strong> is the field in this tracker you want to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[displayFieldIdThere]</strong> the field(s) in [trackerId] you want to display, multiple fields can be separated by \"|\";\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[linkToItems]</strong> if set to 0 will simply display the value, but if set to 1 will provide a link directly to that values item in the other tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[status]</strong> filter on status (o, p, c, op, oc, pc or opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Dynamically updates a selection list based on linked data from another tracker.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,filterFieldIdThere,filterFieldIdHere,listFieldIdThere,statusThere</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the ID of the tracker to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[filterFieldIdThere]</strong> is the field you want to link with in that tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[filterFieldIdHere]</strong> is the field you want to link with in the current tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listFieldIdThere]</strong> is the field ID you wish to pull the selection list from, based on the value selected in fiterFieldIdHere matching field(s) in filterFieldIdThere;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[statusThere]</strong> restricts values appearing in the list to those coming from records in the other tracker that meet specified statuses of [o|p|c] or in combination (op, opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Dynamically updates a selection list based on linked data from another tracker.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>trackerId,filterFieldIdThere,filterFieldIdHere,listFieldIdThere,statusThere</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[trackerId]</strong> is the ID of the tracker to link with;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[filterFieldIdThere]</strong> is the field you want to link with in that tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[filterFieldIdHere]</strong> is the field you want to link with in the current tracker;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listFieldIdThere]</strong> is the field ID you wish to pull the selection list from, based on the value selected in fiterFieldIdHere matching field(s) in filterFieldIdThere;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[statusThere]</strong> restricts values appearing in the list to those coming from records in the other tracker that meet specified statuses of [o|p|c] or in combination (op, opc);\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to enter an email address with option of making it active.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>link,watchopen,watchpending,watchclosed</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,o\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[link]</strong> may be one of [0|1|2] and specifies how to display the email address, defaulting to 0 as plain text, 1 as an encoded hex mailto link, or 2 as a standard mailto link;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchopen]</strong> if set to \"o\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to open;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchpending]</strong> if set to \"p\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to pending;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchclosed]</strong> if set to \"c\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to closed;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to enter an email address with option of making it active.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>link,watchopen,watchpending,watchclosed</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 0,o\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[link]</strong> may be one of [0|1|2] and specifies how to display the email address, defaulting to 0 as plain text, 1 as an encoded hex mailto link, or 2 as a standard mailto link;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchopen]</strong> if set to \"o\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to open;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchpending]</strong> if set to \"p\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to pending;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[watchclosed]</strong> if set to \"c\" will email the address every time the status of the item changes to closed;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to enter an url in a wiki syntax.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows users to enter an url in a wiki syntax.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows an incrementing value field, or itemId field. (non-editable)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>start,prepend,append,itemId</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,,,itemId\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[start]</strong> is the starting value for the field, defaults to 1;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[itemId]</strong> if set to \"itemId\" will set this field to match the value of the actual database itemId field value;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows an incrementing value field, or itemId field. (non-editable)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>start,prepend,append,itemId</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,,,itemId\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[start]</strong> is the starting value for the field, defaults to 1;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[prepend]</strong> is text that will be displayed before the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[append]</strong> is text that will be displayed after the field;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[itemId]</strong> if set to \"itemId\" will set this field to match the value of the actual database itemId field value;\n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allow registered users to subscribe themselves to a tracker item (think\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Use this field as you would to have people sign up for an event. It is best if the tracker is only editable by its creator or the admin.  To set the max number of subscribers, edit the tracker item and put the number at the beginning of the field.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Old field may have \"#\" or \"#2[0]\" in it.  Making it \"20#2[0]\" will set the max number to 20.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allow registered users to subscribe themselves to a tracker item (think\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Use this field as you would to have people sign up for an event. It is best if the tracker is only editable by its creator or the admin.  To set the max number of subscribers, edit the tracker item and put the number at the beginning of the field.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Old field may have \"#\" or \"#2[0]\" in it.  Making it \"20#2[0]\" will set the max number to 20.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Use Google Maps.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Will display a Google Maps around a point.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>use_as_item_location,bubble_fieldId,icon</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: y,23|24,img/icons2/icn_members.gif\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[use_as_item_location]</strong> if set to y, this google map field will be used as item location and object geo attributes are set when field value is changed.\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[bubble_fieldid]</strong> is the fieldId(s) (separated by |) that contains the text that will be displayed in the bubble of the map marker. The first field will be used as the link.\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[icon]</strong> is the url of the default icon to use for markers of items on the map.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Use Google Maps.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Will display a Google Maps around a point.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>use_as_item_location,bubble_fieldId,icon</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: y,23|24,img/icons2/icn_members.gif\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[use_as_item_location]</strong> if set to y, this google map field will be used as item location and object geo attributes are set when field value is changed.\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[bubble_fieldid]</strong> is the fieldId(s) (separated by |) that contains the text that will be displayed in the bubble of the map marker. The first field will be used as the link.\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[icon]</strong> is the url of the default icon to use for markers of items on the map.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: System only.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: None\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Needs a description.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: System only.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: None\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Needs a description.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a computed value based on numeric field values.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>formula</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[formula]</strong> is the formula you wish to compute, using numeric values, operators \"+ - * / ( )\", and tracker fields identified with a leading #;\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: \"#3*(#4+5)\"\n\t\t\t\t<dd>adds the numeric value in item 4 by 5, and multiplies it by the numeric value in item 3.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Provides a computed value based on numeric field values.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>formula</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[formula]</strong> is the formula you wish to compute, using numeric values, operators \"+ - * / ( )\", and tracker fields identified with a leading #;\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: \"#3*(#4+5)\"\n\t\t\t\t<dd>adds the numeric value in item 4 by 5, and multiplies it by the numeric value in item 3.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows user preference changes from a tracker.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>type</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: password\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[type]</strong> if value is password, will allow to change the user password, if value is email, will display/allow to change the user email, other values possible: language;\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows user preference changes from a tracker.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>type</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: password\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[type]</strong> if value is password, will allow to change the user password, if value is email, will display/allow to change the user email, other values possible: language;\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "user groups" => "user groups",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows to display the user groups.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows to display the user groups.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a file to be attached to the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>listview</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: nu\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listview]</strong> may be one of [n|t|s|u|m] on their own or in any combination (n, t, ns, nts), allowing you to see the attachment in the item list view as its name (n), its type (t), its size (n), the username of the uploader (u), or the mediaplayer plugin(m);\n\t\t\t\tnote that this option will cost an extra query to the database for each attachment and can severely impact performance with several attachments.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows a file to be attached to the tracker item.\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>listview</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: nu\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[listview]</strong> may be one of [n|t|s|u|m] on their own or in any combination (n, t, ns, nts), allowing you to see the attachment in the item list view as its name (n), its type (t), its size (n), the username of the uploader (u), or the mediaplayer plugin(m);\n\t\t\t\tnote that this option will cost an extra query to the database for each attachment and can severely impact performance with several attachments.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "freetags" => "freetags",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows freetags to be shown or added for tracker item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>size</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 80,n,n\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible length of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[hidehelp]</strong> if y, do not show help text when entering tags;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[hidesuggest]</strong> if y, do not show suggested tags when entering tags;  \n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows freetags to be shown or added for tracker item\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>size</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 80,n,n\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[size]</strong> is the visible length of the field in characters;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[hidehelp]</strong> if y, do not show help text when entering tags;\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>[hidesuggest]</strong> if y, do not show suggested tags when entering tags;  \n\t\t\t\t<dd>multiple options must appear in the order specified, separated by commas.\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "in group" => "in group",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows to display if a item user is in a group and when he was assigned to the group (needs a user selector field)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>groupName,date</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: Members,date\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>GroupName</strong> Group to test. <strong>date</strong> displays the date the user was assigned in the group (if known), otherwise will display yes/no.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Allows to display if a item user is in a group and when he was assigned to the group (needs a user selector field)\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>groupName,date</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: Members,date\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd><strong>GroupName</strong> Group to test. <strong>date</strong> displays the date the user was assigned in the group (if known), otherwise will display yes/no.\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Display stars\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list options (positive increasing numbers</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,2,3,4\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Like the rating\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>" => "<dl>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Function: Display stars\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Usage: <strong>list options (positive increasing numbers</strong>\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Example: 1,2,3,4\n\t\t\t\t<dt>Description:\n\t\t\t\t<dd>Like the rating\n\t\t\t\t<dd>\n\t\t\t\t</dl>",
// "Edit field: (Parameter needs to be 'trackerId=XX&fileId=YY' or be empty to use the current field)" => "Edit field: (Parameter needs to be 'trackerId=XX&fileId=YY' or be empty to use the current field)",
// "Edit field: (Incorrect validation parameter)" => "Edit field: (Incorrect validation parameter)",
// "Invalid character combination for username" => "Invalid character combination for username",
// "here" => "here",
// "Could not establish Kaltura session. Try again" => "Could not establish Kaltura session. Try again",
// "You need to set your Kaltura account details: " => "You need to set your Kaltura account details: ",
// "Successfully stored archive in tracker" => "Successfully stored archive in tracker",
// "Failed to stored archive in tracker" => "Failed to stored archive in tracker",
// "Cannot connect with web service" => "Cannot connect with web service",
// "No permission to broadcast to channel" => "No permission to broadcast to channel",
// "Broadcaster successfully authenticated" => "Broadcaster successfully authenticated",
// "No permission to broadcast to any channel" => "No permission to broadcast to any channel",
// "Successfully logged in mobile broadcaster" => "Successfully logged in mobile broadcaster",
// "No viewable channels available for mobile" => "No viewable channels available for mobile",
// "Failed to log in mobile broadcaster" => "Failed to log in mobile broadcaster",
// "Successfully logged in FME" => "Successfully logged in FME",
// "Failed to log in FME" => "Failed to log in FME",
// "No permission to view channel" => "No permission to view channel",
// "Viewer successfully authenticated" => "Viewer successfully authenticated",
// "No permission to view any channel" => "No permission to view any channel",
// "Mailbox uninitialised??" => "Mailbox uninitialised??",
// "No mail body found" => "No mail body found",
// "Add to cart" => "Add to cart",
// "PluginAddToCart" => "PluginAddToCart",
// "Adds a product to the virtual cart. The cart can be manipulated using the cart module" => "Adds a product to the virtual cart. The cart can be manipulated using the cart module",
// "Product code" => "Product code",
// "Unique identifier for the product. Two products with the same code will be the same and the information used will be the one of the first in" => "Unique identifier for the product. Two products with the same code will be the same and the information used will be the one of the first in",
// "Label for the product in the cart" => "Label for the product in the cart",
// "Price" => "Price",
// "The price to charge for the item" => "The price to charge for the item",
// "URL of the product\\'s information. The URL may be relative or absolute (begin with http://)" => "URL of the product\\'s information. The URL may be relative or absolute (begin with http://)",
// "Button label" => "Button label",
// "Text for the submit button. default: \"Add to cart\"" => "Text for the submit button. default: \"Add to cart\"",
// "A session must be active to use the cart" => "A session must be active to use the cart",
// "%0 (%1) was added to your cart" => "%0 (%1) was added to your cart",
// "Create an icon for a user to add an event to Google Calendar" => "Create an icon for a user to add an event to Google Calendar",
// "Add Event to Google Calendar" => "Add Event to Google Calendar",
// "PluginAddToGoogleCal" => "PluginAddToGoogleCal",
// "Creates an icon for a user to add an event to a Google Calendar" => "Creates an icon for a user to add an event to a Google Calendar",
// "Calendar item ID" => "Calendar item ID",
// "The item ID of the calendar to add to Google calendar" => "The item ID of the calendar to add to Google calendar",
// "A calendar item ID number" => "A calendar item ID number",
// "Icon Style" => "Icon Style",
// "Choose the icon style" => "Choose the icon style",
// "Either 1, 2 or 3" => "Either 1, 2 or 3",
// "One" => "One",
// "Two" => "Two",
// "Three" => "Three",
// "User Agent Info" => "User Agent Info",
// "PluginAgentinfo" => "PluginAgentinfo",
// "Display\\'s the visitor\\'s IP address (IP or default), browser information (BROWSER), or server software (SVRSW)" => "Display\\'s the visitor\\'s IP address (IP or default), browser information (BROWSER), or server software (SVRSW)",
// "IP address" => "IP address",
// "Server software" => "Server software",
// "Browser" => "Browser",
// "PluginAlink" => "PluginAlink",
// "Page Name" => "Page Name",
// "The name of the wiki page containing the anchor. If empty, the anchor name will be searched for on the wiki page where the plugin is used" => "The name of the wiki page containing the anchor. If empty, the anchor name will be searched for on the wiki page where the plugin is used",
// "PluginAname" => "PluginAname",
// "PluginAnnotation" => "PluginAnnotation",
// "Absolute URL to the image or relative path from tiki root" => "Absolute URL to the image or relative path from tiki root",
// "Image width in pixels" => "Image width in pixels",
// "Image height in pixels" => "Image height in pixels",
// "Image alignment. Possible values: left, right, center. Default is left" => "Image alignment. Possible values: left, right, center. Default is left",
// "Archive Builder" => "Archive Builder",
// "PluginArchiveBuilder" => "PluginArchiveBuilder",
// "Builds a zip archive containing the specified data from tikiwiki" => "Builds a zip archive containing the specified data from tikiwiki",
// "Description of the archive content. Multiple handlers are available for content types. One per line. Ex: page-as-pdf:some-folder/foo.pdf:HomePage , tracker-attachments:target-folder/:3435" => "Description of the archive content. Multiple handlers are available for content types. One per line. Ex: page-as-pdf:some-folder/foo.pdf:HomePage , tracker-attachments:target-folder/:3435",
// "Archive Name" => "Archive Name",
// "Upon download, the name of the file that will be provided" => "Upon download, the name of the file that will be provided",
// "Missing extension zip" => "Missing extension zip",
// "Incorrect parameter" => "Incorrect parameter",
// "Download archive" => "Download archive",
// "PluginArticle" => "PluginArticle",
// "PluginArticles" => "PluginArticles",
// "Use Pagination" => "Use Pagination",
// "Activate pagination when articles listing are long. Default is n" => "Activate pagination when articles listing are long. Default is n",
// "Maximum Displayed" => "Maximum Displayed",
// "The number of articles to display in the list (no max set by default)" => "The number of articles to display in the list (no max set by default)",
// "If Pagination is set to y (Yes), this will determine the amount of articles per page" => "If Pagination is set to y (Yes), this will determine the amount of articles per page",
// "Topic Name Filter" => "Topic Name Filter",
// "Filter the list of aricles by their topic. Example: " => "Filter the list of aricles by their topic. Example: ",
// "Topic ID Filter" => "Topic ID Filter",
// "Filter the list of aricles by their topic ID. Example: " => "Filter the list of aricles by their topic ID. Example: ",
// "Type Filter" => "Type Filter",
// "Filter the list of aricles by their types. Example: " => "Filter the list of aricles by their types. Example: ",
// "The ID of the category that articles need to be in to be listed" => "The ID of the category that articles need to be in to be listed",
// "List only articles in this language" => "List only articles in this language",
// "The column and order of the sort in columnName_asc or columnName_desc format. Defaults to \"publishDate_desc\" (other column examples are \"title\", \"lang\", \"authorName\" & \"topicName\")" => "The column and order of the sort in columnName_asc or columnName_desc format. Defaults to \"publishDate_desc\" (other column examples are \"title\", \"lang\", \"authorName\" & \"topicName\")",
// "Use random to have random items" => "Use random to have random items",
// "Whether to not report when there are no articles (no reporting by default)" => "Whether to not report when there are no articles (no reporting by default)",
// "Title Only" => "Title Only",
// "Whether to only show the title of the articles (not set to title only by default)" => "Whether to only show the title of the articles (not set to title only by default)",
// "Body Only" => "Body Only",
// "Whether to only show the body of the articles or just the heading and title. (not set to body only by default)" => "Whether to only show the body of the articles or just the heading and title. (not set to body only by default)",
// "Starting Article" => "Starting Article",
// "The article number that the list should start with (starts with first article by default)" => "The article number that the list should start with (starts with first article by default)",
// "This will not work if Pagination is used" => "This will not work if Pagination is used",
// "Earliest date to select articles from" => "Earliest date to select articles from",
// "Latest date to select articles from" => "Latest date to select articles from",
// "Period quantity" => "Period quantity",
// "Numeric value to display only last articles published within a user defined time-frame. Used in conjunction with the next parameter \"Period unit\", this parameter indicates how many of those units are to be considered to define the time frame. If this parameter is set, \"Start Date\" and \"End date\" are ignored" => "Numeric value to display only last articles published within a user defined time-frame. Used in conjunction with the next parameter \"Period unit\", this parameter indicates how many of those units are to be considered to define the time frame. If this parameter is set, \"Start Date\" and \"End date\" are ignored",
// "Period unit" => "Period unit",
// "Time unit used with \"Period quantity\"" => "Time unit used with \"Period quantity\"",
// "Override Dates" => "Override Dates",
// "Whether to obey article type\\'s \"show before publish\" and \"show after expiry\" settings (not obeyed by default)" => "Whether to obey article type\\'s \"show before publish\" and \"show after expiry\" settings (not obeyed by default)",
// "Container class" => "Container class",
// "CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=\"wikiplugin_articles\")" => "CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=\"wikiplugin_articles\")",
// "Large First Image" => "Large First Image",
// "If set to y (Yes), the first image will be displayed with the dimension used to view of the article" => "If set to y (Yes), the first image will be displayed with the dimension used to view of the article",
// "Additional URL Param to the link to read article" => "Additional URL Param to the link to read article",
// "Show actions (buttons and links)" => "Show actions (buttons and links)",
// "Whether to show the buttons and links to do actions on each article (for the actions you have permission to do" => "Whether to show the buttons and links to do actions on each article (for the actions you have permission to do",
// "No translation" => "No translation",
// "User or pipe separated list of two letter language codes for additional languages to display. List pages with no language or with a missing translation in one of the language" => "User or pipe separated list of two letter language codes for additional languages to display. List pages with no language or with a missing translation in one of the language",
// "§534dbc28840b3c994ca4cf358ed58cf2§" => "§5a1b99a16d428fd0c34094400af22083§",
// "PluginAttach" => "PluginAttach",
// "File name of the attached file to link to. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment" => "File name of the attached file to link to. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment",
// "Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. If left empty when the plugin is used on a wiki page, this defaults to that wiki page" => "Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. If left empty when the plugin is used on a wiki page, this defaults to that wiki page",
// "Show Description" => "Show Description",
// "Shows the description as the link text instead of the file name (not used by default)" => "Shows the description as the link text instead of the file name (not used by default)",
// "Makes the list of attachments a bulleted list (not set by default)" => "Makes the list of attachments a bulleted list (not set by default)",
// "Indicates that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag (not set by default)" => "Indicates that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag (not set by default)",
// "Custom Label" => "Custom Label",
// "Makes the text between the {ATTACH} tags the link text instead of the file name or description. Only the first attachment will be listed" => "Makes the text between the {ATTACH} tags the link text instead of the file name or description. Only the first attachment will be listed",
// "Lists links to all attachments for the entire tiki site together with pages they are attached to when set to 1 (Yes)" => "Lists links to all attachments for the entire tiki site together with pages they are attached to when set to 1 (Yes)",
// "Order Number" => "Order Number",
// "Identifies the attachment to link to by the order of the attachment in the list of attachments to a page instead of by file name or ID. \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEither name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment" => "Identifies the attachment to link to by the order of the attachment in the list of attachments to a page instead of by file name or ID. \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEither name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment",
// "Identifies the attachment to link to by id number instead of by file name or order number. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment" => "Identifies the attachment to link to by id number instead of by file name or order number. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment",
// "The alt text that pops up on mouseover will include the number of downloads of the attachment at the end when set to 1 (Yes)" => "The alt text that pops up on mouseover will include the number of downloads of the attachment at the end when set to 1 (Yes)",
// "File Type Icon" => "File Type Icon",
// "A file type icon is displayed in front of the attachment link when this is set to 1" => "A file type icon is displayed in front of the attachment link when this is set to 1",
// "Attributes" => "Attributes",
// "PluginAttributes" => "PluginAttributes",
// "PluginAuthor" => "PluginAuthor",
// "Color codes parts of the page like \\'Track changes\\' in Office programs" => "Color codes parts of the page like \\'Track changes\\' in Office programs",
// "User Name" => "User Name",
// "User name of the user who wrote the text" => "User name of the user who wrote the text",
// "Deleted by User" => "Deleted by User",
// "User name of the user who deleted the text" => "User name of the user who deleted the text",
// "Make Visible" => "Make Visible",
// "Show popup with author/deleted by" => "Show popup with author/deleted by",
// "Generate a popup with names of author(s) (default: no)" => "Generate a popup with names of author(s) (default: no)",
// "deleted by" => "deleted by",
// "Shows which author created/deleted which text" => "Shows which author created/deleted which text",
// "Should this author's contribution be visible (default: no)" => "Should this author's contribution be visible (default: no)",
// "PluginAvatar" => "PluginAvatar",
// "The wiki page the avatar will link to. If empty and the user\\'s information is public, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthen the avatar will link automatically the that user\\'s user information page" => "The wiki page the avatar will link to. If empty and the user\\'s information is public, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthen the avatar will link automatically the that user\\'s user information page",
// "Align the avatar on the page" => "Align the avatar on the page",
// "PluginBack" => "PluginBack",
// "Displays a link that goes back one page in the browser history" => "Displays a link that goes back one page in the browser history",
// "PluginBacklinks" => "PluginBacklinks",
// "Displayed Information" => "Displayed Information",
// "With or without self-link (default is without)" => "With or without self-link (default is without)",
// "Header" => "Header",
// "With or without header (default is with header)" => "With or without header (default is with header)",
// "With header" => "With header",
// "Without header" => "Without header",
// "No pages link to" => "No pages link to",
// "PluginBanner" => "PluginBanner",
// "Name of the zone created in Admin > Banners" => "Name of the zone created in Admin > Banners",
// "Determines the browser behavior once the banner is clicked" => "Determines the browser behavior once the banner is clicked",
// "Blank" => "Blank",
// "PluginBigBlueButton" => "PluginBigBlueButton",
// "Allows to join a BigBlueButton meeting" => "Allows to join a BigBlueButton meeting",
// "Meeting" => "Meeting",
// "MeetingID provided by BigBlueButton" => "MeetingID provided by BigBlueButton",
// "Anonymous prefix" => "Anonymous prefix",
// "Unregistered users will get this token prepended to their name" => "Unregistered users will get this token prepended to their name",
// "Welcome Message" => "Welcome Message",
// "A message to be provided when someone enters the room" => "A message to be provided when someone enters the room",
// "Dial Number" => "Dial Number",
// "The phone-in support number to join from traditional phones" => "The phone-in support number to join from traditional phones",
// "Voice Bridge" => "Voice Bridge",
// "Code to enter for phone attendees to join the room" => "Code to enter for phone attendees to join the room",
// "Logout URL" => "Logout URL",
// "URL to which the user will be redirected when logging out from BigBlueButton" => "URL to which the user will be redirected when logging out from BigBlueButton",
// "Maximum Participants" => "Maximum Participants",
// "Limit to the amount of simultaneous participants in the room. Support for this parameter depends on the BigBlueButton server" => "Limit to the amount of simultaneous participants in the room. Support for this parameter depends on the BigBlueButton server",
// "Bliptv" => "Bliptv",
// "PluginBliptv" => "PluginBliptv",
// "Display a video" => "Display a video",
// " embed URL. Please note that this url needs to be the src param in the EMBED code, and not the video URL as in other equivalent video plugins. Example: (instead of " => " embed URL. Please note that this url needs to be the src param in the EMBED code, and not the video URL as in other equivalent video plugins. Example: (instead of ",
// "Width in pixels (default is 425" => "Width in pixels (default is 425",
// "Height in pixels (default is 350)" => "Height in pixels (default is 350)",
// "PluginBlogList" => "PluginBlogList",
// "The ID number of the blog on the site you wish to list posts from" => "The ID number of the blog on the site you wish to list posts from",
// "Maximum Items" => "Maximum Items",
// "Maximum number of entries to list (no maximum set by default)" => "Maximum number of entries to list (no maximum set by default)",
// "Only display posts created by this user (all posts listed by default)" => "Only display posts created by this user (all posts listed by default)",
// "Simple List" => "Simple List",
// "Show simple list of date, title and author (default=y) or formatted list of blog posts (n)" => "Show simple list of date, title and author (default=y) or formatted list of blog posts (n)",
// "Earliest date to select posts from" => "Earliest date to select posts from",
// "Latest date to select posts from" => "Latest date to select posts from",
// "Container Class" => "Container Class",
// "CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=\"wikiplugin_bloglist\")" => "CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=\"wikiplugin_bloglist\")",
// "PluginBox" => "PluginBox",
// "Aligns the text within the box (left aligned by default)" => "Aligns the text within the box (left aligned by default)",
// "Set the alignment for the entire box. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)" => "Set the alignment for the entire box. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)",
// "Items are not allowed to wrap around the box if this parameter is set to.1 (Yes)" => "Items are not allowed to wrap around the box if this parameter is set to.1 (Yes)",
// "Button" => "Button",
// "PluginButton" => "PluginButton",
// "Produces a link with the shape of a button, reusing the button smarty function and requiring no validation of that plugin" => "Produces a link with the shape of a button, reusing the button smarty function and requiring no validation of that plugin",
// "URL to be produced by the button. You can use wiki argument variables like  in it" => "URL to be produced by the button. You can use wiki argument variables like  in it",
// "Label for the button" => "Label for the button",
// "lib/smarty_tiki/function.button.php is missing or unreadable" => "lib/smarty_tiki/function.button.php is missing or unreadable",
// "PluginCalendar" => "PluginCalendar",
// "Includes a calendar and/or a list of calendar events" => "Includes a calendar and/or a list of calendar events",
// "Calendar IDs" => "Calendar IDs",
// "If set to a list of calendar identifiers, restricts the events to those in the identified calendars. Identifiers are separated by commas (\",\")" => "If set to a list of calendar identifiers, restricts the events to those in the identified calendars. Identifiers are separated by commas (\",\")",
// "Example values" => "Example values",
// "Not set by default" => "Not set by default",
// "View Type" => "View Type",
// "Determines how to show events" => "Determines how to show events",
// "Possible values" => "Possible values",
// "\"table\" shows events in a calendar" => "\"table\" shows events in a calendar",
// "Default value" => "Default value",
// "View Time Span" => "View Time Span",
// "If in calendar (or \"table\") view type, determines the time span displayed by the calendar" => "If in calendar (or \"table\") view type, determines the time span displayed by the calendar",
// "Default is month" => "Default is month",
// "Navigation Bar" => "Navigation Bar",
// "Decide or not to show the navigation bar (not shown by default)" => "Decide or not to show the navigation bar (not shown by default)",
// "PluginCategory" => "PluginCategory",
// "List of object types to include in the list separated by plus signs. ex: article+blog+faq+fgal<br />+forum+igal+newsletter<br />+event+poll+quiz+survey<br />+tracker+wiki+img" => "List of object types to include in the list separated by plus signs. ex: article+blog+faq+fgal<br />+forum+igal+newsletter<br />+event+poll+quiz+survey<br />+tracker+wiki+img",
// "Sort ascending or descending based on various attributes (sorted ascending by name by default)" => "Sort ascending or descending based on various attributes (sorted ascending by name by default)",
// "'), 'value' => '" => "'), 'value' => '",
// "Created Ascending" => "Created Ascending",
// "Created Descending" => "Created Descending",
// "Hits Ascending" => "Hits Ascending",
// "Hits Descending" => "Hits Descending",
// "Item ID Ascending" => "Item ID Ascending",
// "Item ID Descending" => "Item ID Descending",
// "Name Ascending" => "Name Ascending",
// "Name Descending" => "Name Descending",
// "Type Ascending" => "Type Ascending",
// "Type Descending" => "Type Descending",
// "Whether multiple categories will be listed on different lines (default is to split them)" => "Whether multiple categories will be listed on different lines (default is to split them)",
// "If set to y (Yes), only objects in all of the categories will be shown (default is to show objects in any of the categories)" => "If set to y (Yes), only objects in all of the categories will be shown (default is to show objects in any of the categories)",
// "With Sub-categories" => "With Sub-categories",
// "Also list objects in sub-categories of the categories given (default is to list sub-category objects)" => "Also list objects in sub-categories of the categories given (default is to list sub-category objects)",
// "Show descriptions (not shown by default)" => "Show descriptions (not shown by default)",
// "Show Name" => "Show Name",
// "Show object names (shown by default)" => "Show object names (shown by default)",
// "Show type" => "Show type",
// "Show type (shown by default)" => "Show type (shown by default)",
// "One Per Line" => "One Per Line",
// "Show one object per line (multiple per line shown by default)" => "Show one object per line (multiple per line shown by default)",
// "Show Child Links" => "Show Child Links",
// "Show children category links (shown by default)" => "Show children category links (shown by default)",
// "Show Top Link" => "Show Top Link",
// "Show top category link (shown by default)" => "Show top category link (shown by default)",
// "Max Records" => "Max Records",
// "Maximum number of objects to list (default is 50)" => "Maximum number of objects to list (default is 50)",
// "Show Title" => "Show Title",
// "Show title text above category object lists (shown by default)" => "Show title text above category object lists (shown by default)",
// "PluginCatOrphans" => "PluginCatOrphans",
// "Display wiki pages that have not been categorized" => "Display wiki pages that have not been categorized",
// "Currently, only works with wiki pages (set to wiki (Wiki Pages) by default)" => "Currently, only works with wiki pages (set to wiki (Wiki Pages) by default)",
// "Max" => "Max",
// "Maximum number of items. Use -1 for unlimited. Default is the site admin setting for maximum records" => "Maximum number of items. Use -1 for unlimited. Default is the site admin setting for maximum records",
// "Result Offset" => "Result Offset",
// "Result number at which the listing should start (default is no offset)" => "Result number at which the listing should start (default is no offset)",
// "PluginCatPath" => "PluginCatPath",
// "Display Top Category" => "Display Top Category",
// "Show the top category as part of the path name (not shown by default)" => "Show the top category as part of the path name (not shown by default)",
// "PluginCclite" => "PluginCclite",
// "General purpose cclite utility plugin" => "General purpose cclite utility plugin",
// "Mode of operation - summary or recent. Default: summary" => "Mode of operation - summary or recent. Default: summary",
// "Account summary" => "Account summary",
// "Recent transactions" => "Recent transactions",
// "Registry" => "Registry",
// "Registry to query. Default: site preference (or first in list when more than one)" => "Registry to query. Default: site preference (or first in list when more than one)",
// "You need to be logged in to view this information" => "You need to be logged in to view this information",
// "PluginCenter" => "PluginCenter",
// "BarStackGraphic | MultibarGraphic | MultilineGraphic | PieChartGraphic" => "BarStackGraphic | MultibarGraphic | MultilineGraphic | PieChartGraphic",
// "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y2' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series" => "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y2' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series",
// "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y3' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series" => "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y3' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series",
// "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y4' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series" => "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'y4' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Dependant series",
// "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'color' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Colors" => "'),\n\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t'color' => array(\n\t\t\t\t'required' => false,\n\t\t\t\t'name' => tra('Colors",
// "PluginCode" => "PluginCode",
// "Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout. May not be used with line numbers if Geshi version" => "Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout. May not be used with line numbers if Geshi version",
// "Syntax highlighting to use. GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter must be installed for languages other than php. Without GeSHi, the php tag must be included at the \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbeginning of the displayed code for the highlighting to work. May not be used with line numbers if Geshi version < Available: php, html, sql, javascript, css, java, c, doxygen, delphi, rsplus.." => "Syntax highlighting to use. GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter must be installed for languages other than php. Without GeSHi, the php tag must be included at the \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbeginning of the displayed code for the highlighting to work. May not be used with line numbers if Geshi version < Available: php, html, sql, javascript, css, java, c, doxygen, delphi, rsplus..",
// "Line Numbers" => "Line Numbers",
// "Show line numbers for each line of code. May not be used with colors unless GeSHI is installed" => "Show line numbers for each line of code. May not be used with colors unless GeSHI is installed",
// "Parse wiki syntax within the code snippet (not parsed by default)" => "Parse wiki syntax within the code snippet (not parsed by default)",
// "Right to Left" => "Right to Left",
// "Switch the text display from left to right to right to left  (left to right by default)" => "Switch the text display from left to right to right to left  (left to right by default)",
// "When set to 1 (Yes), HTML will still be processed (presented as is by default)" => "When set to 1 (Yes), HTML will still be processed (presented as is by default)",
// "Show HTML" => "Show HTML",
// "Interpret HTML" => "Interpret HTML",
// "Copy To Clipboard" => "Copy To Clipboard",
// "Copy the contents of the code box to the clipboard  (not copied to clipboard by default)" => "Copy the contents of the code box to the clipboard  (not copied to clipboard by default)",
// "PluginColorBox" => "PluginColorBox",
// "File Gallery ID" => "File Gallery ID",
// "ID number of the file gallery that contains the images to be displayed" => "ID number of the file gallery that contains the images to be displayed",
// "Image Gallery ID" => "Image Gallery ID",
// "ID number of the image gallery that contains the images to be displayed" => "ID number of the image gallery that contains the images to be displayed",
// "File ID Filter" => "File ID Filter",
// "Filter on fileIds in a file gallery to only show those images. Separate each fileId with \\':\\'" => "Filter on fileIds in a file gallery to only show those images. Separate each fileId with \\':\\'",
// "Show File Title" => "Show File Title",
// "Show File Name" => "Show File Name",
// "Show All Thumbs" => "Show All Thumbs",
// "Show thumbnails of all the images in the gallery" => "Show thumbnails of all the images in the gallery",
// "Parse Descriptions" => "Parse Descriptions",
// "PluginContent" => "PluginContent",
// "Dynamic content ID. The value can be obtained in the listing" => "Dynamic content ID. The value can be obtained in the listing",
// "Content Label" => "Content Label",
// "Label of the dynamic content to display" => "Label of the dynamic content to display",
// "PluginCookie" => "PluginCookie",
// "Display a rotating set of taglines or quotes (also known as fortune cookies)" => "Display a rotating set of taglines or quotes (also known as fortune cookies)",
// "PluginCopyright" => "PluginCopyright",
// "PluginCountdown" => "PluginCountdown",
// "Set to off to only show days, otherwise hours, minutes and seconds are also shown (all are shown by default)" => "Set to off to only show days, otherwise hours, minutes and seconds are also shown (all are shown by default)",
// "Off" => "Off",
// "Items to Show" => "Items to Show",
// "Select: d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds. Enter multiple values as: dhms. If blank, all items are shown" => "Select: d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds. Enter multiple values as: dhms. If blank, all items are shown",
// "Days & Hours" => "Days & Hours",
// "Days, Hours & Minutes" => "Days, Hours & Minutes",
// "Days, Hours, Minutes & Seconds" => "Days, Hours, Minutes & Seconds",
// "Hours & Minutes" => "Hours & Minutes",
// "Hours, Minutes & Seconds" => "Hours, Minutes & Seconds",
// "Minutes & Seconds" => "Minutes & Seconds",
// "Seconds" => "Seconds",
// "Show time since event" => "Show time since event",
// "If y, will display amount of time since the event (default). If n will simply display that the event is over" => "If y, will display amount of time since the event (default). If n will simply display that the event is over",
// "since " => "since ",
// "until " => "until ",
// " is over" => " is over",
// "Data Channel" => "Data Channel",
// "PluginDataChannel" => "PluginDataChannel",
// "Displays a form to trigger data channels" => "Displays a form to trigger data channels",
// "List of fields to display. One field per line. Comma delimited: fieldname,label" => "List of fields to display. One field per line. Comma delimited: fieldname,label",
// "To use values from other forms on the same page as parameters for the data-channel use \"fieldname, external=fieldid\"" => "To use values from other forms on the same page as parameters for the data-channel use \"fieldname, external=fieldid\"",
// "Where \"fieldid\" is the id (important) of the external input to use, and \"fieldname\" is the name of the parameter in the data-channel" => "Where \"fieldid\" is the id (important) of the external input to use, and \"fieldname\" is the name of the parameter in the data-channel",
// "Channel Name" => "Channel Name",
// "Name of the channel as registered by the administrator" => "Name of the channel as registered by the administrator",
// "Return URL" => "Return URL",
// "URL to go to after data channel has run. Defaults to current page" => "URL to go to after data channel has run. Defaults to current page",
// "Do not use returnURI but instead return true quietly" => "Do not use returnURI but instead return true quietly",
// "If set to y, will return quietly after data channel has run which would be needed if plugin is used in non-wiki page context" => "If set to y, will return quietly after data channel has run which would be needed if plugin is used in non-wiki page context",
// "Button Label" => "Button Label",
// "Label for the submit button. Default: \"Go\"" => "Label for the submit button. Default: \"Go\"",
// "CSS class for this form" => "CSS class for this form",
// "Empty Caches" => "Empty Caches",
// "Which caches to empty. Default \"Clear all Tiki caches\"" => "Which caches to empty. Default \"Clear all Tiki caches\"",
// "Clear all Tiki caches" => "Clear all Tiki caches",
// "./templates_c/" => "./templates_c/",
// "./modules/cache/" => "./modules/cache/",
// "./temp/cache/" => "./temp/cache/",
// "./temp/public/" => "./temp/public/",
// "Price to execute the datachannel (%0)" => "Price to execute the datachannel (%0)",
// "Payment Label" => "Payment Label",
// "Be careful, if debug is on, the page will not be refreshed and previous modules can be obsolete (not on by default)" => "Be careful, if debug is on, the page will not be refreshed and previous modules can be obsolete (not on by default)",
// "Multiple Values" => "Multiple Values",
// "Accept arrays of multiple values in the POST. e.g. itemId[]=42&itemId=43 etc. (multiple values not accepted by default)" => "Accept arrays of multiple values in the POST. e.g. itemId[]=42&itemId=43 etc. (multiple values not accepted by default)",
// "Datachannel" => "Datachannel",
// "PluginDBReport" => "PluginDBReport",
// "Run a database report. This plugin only works with adodb. It does not work with PDO" => "Run a database report. This plugin only works with adodb. It does not work with PDO",
// "Wiki DSN Name" => "Wiki DSN Name",
// "Parse wiki syntax within the report (not parsed by default)" => "Parse wiki syntax within the report (not parsed by default)",
// "Display the parsed report definition (not displayed by default)" => "Display the parsed report definition (not displayed by default)",
// "PluginDiv" => "PluginDiv",
// "Insert a division block, span, blockquote or other text formatting on wiki page" => "Insert a division block, span, blockquote or other text formatting on wiki page",
// "Indicate the type of HTML tag to use (default is div)" => "Indicate the type of HTML tag to use (default is div)",
// "Span" => "Span",
// "Teletype" => "Teletype",
// "Paragraph" => "Paragraph",
// "Block quote" => "Block quote",
// "In pixels or percentage. Default is original size" => "In pixels or percentage. Default is original size",
// "Aligns the text within the element" => "Aligns the text within the element",
// "Justify" => "Justify",
// "Set the alignment for the entire element. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)" => "Set the alignment for the entire element. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)",
// "Items are not allowed to wrap around the side(s) this parameter is set to" => "Items are not allowed to wrap around the side(s) this parameter is set to",
// "Apply custom CSS class to the div" => "Apply custom CSS class to the div",
// "HTML ID" => "HTML ID",
// "Sets the div\\'s id attribute, as defined by HTML" => "Sets the div\\'s id attribute, as defined by HTML",
// "PluginDL" => "PluginDL",
// "PluginEquation" => "PluginEquation",
// "Size expressed as a percentage of the normal size. 100 produces the default size. 200 produces an image twice as large" => "Size expressed as a percentage of the normal size. 100 produces the default size. 200 produces an image twice as large",
// "PluginEvents" => "PluginEvents",
// "Display upcoming events from calendars" => "Display upcoming events from calendars",
// "ID numbers for the site calendars whose events are to be displayed, separated by vertical bars (|)" => "ID numbers for the site calendars whose events are to be displayed, separated by vertical bars (|)",
// "Maximum Days" => "Maximum Days",
// "Events occurring within this number of days in the future from today will be included in the list (unless limited by other parameter settings). Default is 365 days" => "Events occurring within this number of days in the future from today will be included in the list (unless limited by other parameter settings). Default is 365 days",
// "Maximum Events" => "Maximum Events",
// "Maximum number of events to display. Default is 10. Set to 0 to display all (unless limited by other parameter settings)" => "Maximum number of events to display. Default is 10. Set to 0 to display all (unless limited by other parameter settings)",
// "Show Time" => "Show Time",
// "Show the time along with the date (shown by default)" => "Show the time along with the date (shown by default)",
// "Show the description of the event (shown by default)" => "Show the description of the event (shown by default)",
// "PluginFade" => "PluginFade",
// "PluginFancyList" => "PluginFancyList",
// "Use Div" => "Use Div",
// "Use the HTML tag div instead of the HTML tag for lists (ol)" => "Use the HTML tag div instead of the HTML tag for lists (ol)",
// "PluginFancyTable" => "PluginFancyTable",
// "Rows separated by >> in the header; for the table body, one row per line. Cells separated by | in both cases" => "Rows separated by >> in the header; for the table body, one row per line. Cells separated by | in both cases",
// "Heading Row" => "Heading Row",
// "Header rows of the table. Use >> to separate multiple rows" => "Header rows of the table. Use >> to separate multiple rows",
// "Header Horizontal Align" => "Header Horizontal Align",
// "Horizonatal alignments for header cells separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify" => "Horizonatal alignments for header cells separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify",
// "Header Vertical Align" => "Header Vertical Align",
// "Vertical alignments for header cells separated by |. Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline" => "Vertical alignments for header cells separated by |. Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline",
// "Column Sort" => "Column Sort",
// "Indicate whether columns are sortable or not (not sortable by default)" => "Indicate whether columns are sortable or not (not sortable by default)",
// "Pre-sorted Columns" => "Pre-sorted Columns",
// "Bracketed numbers for column number and sort direction (0 = ascending, 1 = descending), for example: [0,0],[1,0]" => "Bracketed numbers for column number and sort direction (0 = ascending, 1 = descending), for example: [0,0],[1,0]",
// "Column Widths" => "Column Widths",
// "Column widths followed by px for pixels or % for percentages. Each column separated by |" => "Column widths followed by px for pixels or % for percentages. Each column separated by |",
// "Cell Horizontal Align" => "Cell Horizontal Align",
// "Table body column horizonatal alignments separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify" => "Table body column horizonatal alignments separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify",
// "Cell Vertical Align" => "Cell Vertical Align",
// "Table body column vertical alignments separated by |. Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline" => "Table body column vertical alignments separated by |. Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline",
// "heads and cells separated by |" => "heads and cells separated by |",
// "PluginFile" => "PluginFile",
// "Displays a link to a file (either from the file gallery or an attachment to a wiki page) and can display an image attachment. For more than one file from file galleries, or more optional information shown from the files, use the plugin FILES instead" => "Displays a link to a file (either from the file gallery or an attachment to a wiki page) and can display an image attachment. For more than one file from file galleries, or more optional information shown from the files, use the plugin FILES instead",
// "Label for the link to the file" => "Label for the link to the file",
// "Indicate whether the file is in a file gallery or is a wiki page attachment" => "Indicate whether the file is in a file gallery or is a wiki page attachment",
// "Identify an attachment by entering its file name, which will show as a link to the file.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t If the page parameter is empty, it must be a file name of an attachment to the page where the plugin is used" => "Identify an attachment by entering its file name, which will show as a link to the file.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t If the page parameter is empty, it must be a file name of an attachment to the page where the plugin is used",
// "Custom Description" => "Custom Description",
// "Custom text that will be used for the link instead of the file name or file description" => "Custom text that will be used for the link instead of the file name or file description",
// "Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. Defaults to the wiki page where the plugin is used if empty" => "Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. Defaults to the wiki page where the plugin is used if empty",
// "Attachment Description" => "Attachment Description",
// "Show the attachment description as the link label instead of the attachment file name" => "Show the attachment description as the link label instead of the attachment file name",
// "Indicates that this attachment is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag" => "Indicates that this attachment is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag",
// "File ID of a file in a file gallery or an archive" => "File ID of a file in a file gallery or an archive",
// "Example value" => "Example value",
// "For an archive file, the archive created just before this date will be linked to" => "For an archive file, the archive created just before this date will be linked to",
// "Show Icon" => "Show Icon",
// "Show an icon version of the file or file type with the link to the file" => "Show an icon version of the file or file type with the link to the file",
// "File Gallery File/Archive" => "File Gallery File/Archive",
// "Wiki Page Attachment" => "Wiki Page Attachment",
// "The date has not been set" => "The date has not been set",
// "Incorrect date format" => "Incorrect date format",
// "No such file" => "No such file",
// "Wiki attachments are disabled" => "Wiki attachments are disabled",
// "PluginFiles" => "PluginFiles",
// "Displays a list of files from a file gallery" => "Displays a list of files from a file gallery",
// "To list only files contained in this file gallery" => "To list only files contained in this file gallery",
// "To restrict files listed to those belonging to one or more categories. Enter a single category or ID or list of them separated by colon" => "To restrict files listed to those belonging to one or more categories. Enter a single category or ID or list of them separated by colon",
// "To list only specified files, enter their file IDs separated by colon" => "To list only specified files, enter their file IDs separated by colon",
// "Order ascending or descending based on any field in the file gallery table. Default is name_asc" => "Order ascending or descending based on any field in the file gallery table. Default is name_asc",
// "Show Action" => "Show Action",
// "Show a column with icons for the various actions the user can take with each file (not shown by default)" => "Show a column with icons for the various actions the user can take with each file (not shown by default)",
// "Show Find" => "Show Find",
// "Show a search box above the list (not shown by default)" => "Show a search box above the list (not shown by default)",
// "Show the title of the file gallery (shown by default)" => "Show the title of the file gallery (shown by default)",
// "Show ID" => "Show ID",
// "Show the ID number of each file (shown by default)" => "Show the ID number of each file (shown by default)",
// "Show an icon for each file depicting the file type" => "Show an icon for each file depicting the file type",
// "Show the name given to the file upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default)" => "Show the name given to the file upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default)",
// "Show Filename" => "Show Filename",
// "Show each file\\'s filename (shown by default)" => "Show each file\\'s filename (shown by default)",
// "Show Size" => "Show Size",
// "Show the size of each file in kilobytes (shown by default)" => "Show the size of each file in kilobytes (shown by default)",
// "Show the description of the file given upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default)" => "Show the description of the file given upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default)",
// "Show Creation Date" => "Show Creation Date",
// "Show the date each file was created (not shown by default)" => "Show the date each file was created (not shown by default)",
// "Show Last Modification Date" => "Show Last Modification Date",
// "Show the date each file was last modified (shown by default)" => "Show the date each file was last modified (shown by default)",
// "Show Hits" => "Show Hits",
// "Show the number of hits each file has received (not shown by default)" => "Show the number of hits each file has received (not shown by default)",
// "Show Locked By" => "Show Locked By",
// "For locked files, show the user name of the user who locked it (not shown by default)" => "For locked files, show the user name of the user who locked it (not shown by default)",
// "Show the user name of the user who is the author of the file (not shown by default)" => "Show the user name of the user who is the author of the file (not shown by default)",
// "Show Creator" => "Show Creator",
// "Show the user name of the user who is the creator of the file (not shown by default)" => "Show the user name of the user who is the creator of the file (not shown by default)",
// "Show Parent Gallery Name" => "Show Parent Gallery Name",
// "Show the name of the parent gallery" => "Show the name of the parent gallery",
// "Show File Count" => "Show File Count",
// "For galleries included in the list (where the file gallery includes other galleries), show the number of files in each of those galleries (not shown by default)" => "For galleries included in the list (where the file gallery includes other galleries), show the number of files in each of those galleries (not shown by default)",
// "Show Slideshow" => "Show Slideshow",
// "Show a link that produces a pop-up slide show when clicked (not set by default)" => "Show a link that produces a pop-up slide show when clicked (not set by default)",
// "Show Comment" => "Show Comment",
// "Show comments for each file (not shown by default)" => "Show comments for each file (not shown by default)",
// "Show Last Editor" => "Show Last Editor",
// "Show the user name of the user who last modified the file (shown by default)" => "Show the user name of the user who last modified the file (shown by default)",
// "Show only files created by this user" => "Show only files created by this user",
// "Show Upload" => "Show Upload",
// "Show a simple upload form to the gallery (not shown by default)" => "Show a simple upload form to the gallery (not shown by default)",
// "PluginFlash" => "PluginFlash",
// "Flash Type" => "Flash Type",
// "Whether you want to insert a Flash from a URL, a fileId from a podcast file gallery or a link to a specific service like Youtube or Vimeo" => "Whether you want to insert a Flash from a URL, a fileId from a podcast file gallery or a link to a specific service like Youtube or Vimeo",
// "Select an option" => "Select an option",
// "" => "",
// "File Gallery Podcast" => "File Gallery Podcast",
// "Vimeo" => "Vimeo",
// "Youtube" => "Youtube",
// "Complete URL to the movie to include. e.g. files/test.swf" => "Complete URL to the movie to include. e.g. files/test.swf",
// "File Gallery Podcast ID" => "File Gallery Podcast ID",
// "Id of a file from a podcast gallery - will work only with podcast gallery" => "Id of a file from a podcast gallery - will work only with podcast gallery",
// "Youtube URL" => "Youtube URL",
// "Entire URL to the YouTube video. Example:" => "Entire URL to the YouTube video. Example:",
// "Vimeo URL" => "Vimeo URL",
// "Entire URL to the Vimeo video. Example:" => "Entire URL to the Vimeo video. Example:",
// " URL" => " URL",
// " embed URL. Example:" => " embed URL. Example:",
// "Width of movie in pixels (default is 425)" => "Width of movie in pixels (default is 425)",
// "Height of movie in pixels (default is 350)" => "Height of movie in pixels (default is 350)",
// "Medium" => "Medium",
// "Invalid URL" => "Invalid URL",
// "PluginFootnote" => "PluginFootnote",
// "Sameas" => "Sameas",
// "Tag to existing footnote" => "Tag to existing footnote",
// "CheckDuplicate" => "CheckDuplicate",
// "Check for duplicate footnotes" => "Check for duplicate footnotes",
// "PluginFootnoteArea" => "PluginFootnoteArea",
// "Freetagged" => "Freetagged",
// "PluginFreetagged" => "PluginFreetagged",
// "Find similarly tagged objects" => "Find similarly tagged objects",
// "Tags to find similar to" => "Tags to find similar to",
// "Leave blank to use the object\\'s own tags" => "Leave blank to use the object\\'s own tags",
// "Type of objects to extract. Set to All to find all types" => "Type of objects to extract. Set to All to find all types",
// "Same" => "Same",
// "Offset" => "Offset",
// "Start record" => "Start record",
// "Default -1 (all)" => "Default -1 (all)",
// "Choose from:  objectId, type, itemId, description, created, name, href, hits, comments_locked (Default: created_desc)" => "Choose from:  objectId, type, itemId, description, created, name, href, hits, comments_locked (Default: created_desc)",
// "Comments Locked Ascending" => "Comments Locked Ascending",
// "Comments Locked Descending" => "Comments Locked Descending",
// "Description Ascending" => "Description Ascending",
// "Description Descending" => "Description Descending",
// "Href Ascending" => "Href Ascending",
// "Href Descending" => "Href Descending",
// "Object ID Ascending" => "Object ID Ascending",
// "Object ID Descending" => "Object ID Descending",
// "Show objects with names or descriptions similar to the text entered here" => "Show objects with names or descriptions similar to the text entered here",
// "Broaden" => "Broaden",
// "n|y" => "n|y",
// "Header Level" => "Header Level",
// "Choose the header level for formatting. Default is 3 (for header level h3). Set to -1 for no header tags" => "Choose the header level for formatting. Default is 3 (for header level h3). Set to -1 for no header tags",
// "Show Titles Only" => "Show Titles Only",
// "Choose whether to show titles only (not shown by default)" => "Choose whether to show titles only (not shown by default)",
// "Maximum Image Size" => "Maximum Image Size",
// "Height or width in pixels. Default = 0 (no maximum)" => "Height or width in pixels. Default = 0 (no maximum)",
// "FTP" => "FTP",
// "PluginFTP" => "PluginFTP",
// "Download box for a file on an FTP server" => "Download box for a file on an FTP server",
// "Server Name" => "Server Name",
// "Name of the server where the FTP account is housed. Example: " => "Name of the server where the FTP account is housed. Example: ",
// "User name needed to access the FTP account" => "User name needed to access the FTP account",
// "Password needed to access the FTP account" => "Password needed to access the FTP account",
// "Download Button Label" => "Download Button Label",
// "Label for the FTP download button" => "Label for the FTP download button",
// "PluginGauge" => "PluginGauge",
// "Current value to be represented by the gauge" => "Current value to be represented by the gauge",
// "Main color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names" => "Main color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names",
// "Background color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names" => "Background color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names",
// "Set to true (Yes) to display a percentage of the maximum" => "Set to true (Yes) to display a percentage of the maximum",
// "Set to false (No) to hide the numeric value (shown by default)" => "Set to false (No) to hide the numeric value (shown by default)",
// "PluginGoogleAnalytics" => "PluginGoogleAnalytics",
// "Account Number" => "Account Number",
// "The account number for the site. Your account number from google looks like UA-XXXXXXX-YY. All you need to enter is XXXXXXX-YY" => "The account number for the site. Your account number from google looks like UA-XXXXXXX-YY. All you need to enter is XXXXXXX-YY",
// "Google Doc" => "Google Doc",
// "PluginGoogleDoc" => "PluginGoogleDoc",
// "Document" => "Document",
// "Presentation" => "Presentation",
// "Name of iframe. Default is \"Frame\" + the key" => "Name of iframe. Default is \"Frame\" + the key",
// "Size of frame. Use instead of width and height. The sizes will fit the Google presentations sizes exactly" => "Size of frame. Use instead of width and height. The sizes will fit the Google presentations sizes exactly",
// "Small" => "Small",
// "Large" => "Large",
// "Width in pixels or %" => "Width in pixels or %",
// "Height in pixels or %" => "Height in pixels or %",
// "Middle" => "Middle",
// "Choose whether to show a border around the iframe" => "Choose whether to show a border around the iframe",
// "Margin height in pixels" => "Margin height in pixels",
// "Margin width in pixels" => "Margin width in pixels",
// "Choose whether to add a scroll bar" => "Choose whether to add a scroll bar",
// "Auto" => "Auto",
// "Edit Link" => "Edit Link",
// "Choose whether to show an edit link and set its location" => "Choose whether to show an edit link and set its location",
// "googlemap" => "googlemap",
// "PluginGoogleMap" => "PluginGoogleMap",
// "Displays a Google map" => "Displays a Google map",
// "Type of items to show on google map" => "Type of items to show on google map",
// "Locator" => "Locator",
// "Object List" => "Object List",
// "Tracker Field" => "Tracker Field",
// "Display Mode" => "Display Mode",
// "Map display mode" => "Map display mode",
// "Satellite" => "Satellite",
// "Hybrid" => "Hybrid",
// "API Key" => "API Key",
// "Google maps key, if not set in user preferences" => "Google maps key, if not set in user preferences",
// "Map ID" => "Map ID",
// "Id suffix of Google map div to avoid conflicts with other maps on same page" => "Id suffix of Google map div to avoid conflicts with other maps on same page",
// "Show Border" => "Show Border",
// "Choose whether to show a frame border around the map (no border shown by default)" => "Choose whether to show a frame border around the map (no border shown by default)",
// "Default Center Longitude" => "Default Center Longitude",
// "Default longitude value used to center the map, e.g. -79.39. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature" => "Default longitude value used to center the map, e.g. -79.39. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature",
// "Default Center Latitude" => "Default Center Latitude",
// "Default latitude value used to center the map, e.g. 43.7. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature" => "Default latitude value used to center the map, e.g. 43.7. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature",
// "Default Zoom" => "Default Zoom",
// "Use an integer between 0 and 19 to set a default zoom level for the map. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature" => "Use an integer between 0 and 19 to set a default zoom level for the map. Default is the default set in the Gmap feature",
// "Save View" => "Save View",
// "Allow user to set current map view as default view for himself only" => "Allow user to set current map view as default view for himself only",
// "Item Type" => "Item Type",
// "Type of item being geotagged (user, wiki page, blog, etc). Will attempt to use current object if not specified" => "Type of item being geotagged (user, wiki page, blog, etc). Will attempt to use current object if not specified",
// "Item ID" => "Item ID",
// "ID of item being geotagged (name of page, blog ID, etc). Will attempt to use current object if not specified" => "ID of item being geotagged (name of page, blog ID, etc). Will attempt to use current object if not specified",
// "Hide If No Markers" => "Hide If No Markers",
// "Hide map if there are no markers to be shown. Default is to show the map" => "Hide map if there are no markers to be shown. Default is to show the map",
// "Visibility Toggle" => "Visibility Toggle",
// "Add ability to toggle visibility. No toggle by default" => "Add ability to toggle visibility. No toggle by default",
// "Start Hidden" => "Start Hidden",
// "Choose whether to keep the map hidden initially. Default is to show the map initially" => "Choose whether to keep the map hidden initially. Default is to show the map initially",
// "Auto Zoom" => "Auto Zoom",
// "Use an integer between 0 and 19 to auto zoom to this level on address find" => "Use an integer between 0 and 19 to auto zoom to this level on address find",
// "Show Controls" => "Show Controls",
// "Show map controls (shown by default)" => "Show map controls (shown by default)",
// "Tracker Field ID" => "Tracker Field ID",
// "Field ID of tracker field if type is trackerfield or locator and locateitemtype is trackeritem" => "Field ID of tracker field if type is trackerfield or locator and locateitemtype is trackeritem",
// "HTML ID of tracker field input box where value is copied to by Javascript. Auto set if used as part of entry forms" => "HTML ID of tracker field input box where value is copied to by Javascript. Auto set if used as part of entry forms",
// "In Form" => "In Form",
// "Set to 1 (Yes) if this is embedded inside a form. Needed to prevent nested forms which is not allowed in HTML" => "Set to 1 (Yes) if this is embedded inside a form. Needed to prevent nested forms which is not allowed in HTML",
// "Google Maps API key not set" => "Google Maps API key not set",
// "No such user" => "No such user",
// "No such object" => "No such object",
// "Not logged in" => "Not logged in",
// "Error: Invalid Lon. and Lat. values" => "Error: Invalid Lon. and Lat. values",
// "Map view saved as default for " => "Map view saved as default for ",
// "You can only set your own location" => "You can only set your own location",
// "Please select a point to set both Lon. and Lat" => "Please select a point to set both Lon. and Lat",
// "User location saved for " => "User location saved for ",
// "You cannot edit this object or no such object" => "You cannot edit this object or no such object",
// "Location saved for object" => "Location saved for object",
// "Error saving location" => "Error saving location",
// "PluginGroup" => "PluginGroup",
// "Allowed User Friends" => "Allowed User Friends",
// "Pipe separated list of users whose friends are allowed to view the block. ex: admin|johndoe|foo" => "Pipe separated list of users whose friends are allowed to view the block. ex: admin|johndoe|foo",
// "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups or group of friends" => "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups or group of friends",
// "Group List" => "Group List",
// "PluginGroupList" => "PluginGroupList",
// "List all groups or just groups that include a certain group" => "List all groups or just groups that include a certain group",
// "Group Name" => "Group Name",
// "If empty, all groups will be listed. Entering a group name will cause only groups that include this group to be listed" => "If empty, all groups will be listed. Entering a group name will cause only groups that include this group to be listed",
// "Group Home Page" => "Group Home Page",
// "Link the group name to the group home page, if there is one (not linked by default)" => "Link the group name to the group home page, if there is one (not linked by default)",
// "Recursively List Groups" => "Recursively List Groups",
// "Recurse on the included groups (default is not to recurse)" => "Recurse on the included groups (default is not to recurse)",
// "GroupMailCore" => "GroupMailCore",
// "PluginGroupMailCore" => "PluginGroupMailCore",
// "Displays GroupMail functions on a wiki page. Usually set up using a plugin alias created by the GroupMail profile" => "Displays GroupMail functions on a wiki page. Usually set up using a plugin alias created by the GroupMail profile",
// "From Email" => "From Email",
// "Email address to report" => "Email address to report",
// "Tracker Id" => "Tracker Id",
// "Id of GroupMail Logs tracker (set up in alias by profile)" => "Id of GroupMail Logs tracker (set up in alias by profile)",
// "From Field Id" => "From Field Id",
// "Id of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile)" => "Id of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile)",
// "Operator Field Id" => "Operator Field Id",
// "Subject Field Id" => "Subject Field Id",
// "Message Field Id" => "Message Field Id",
// "Content Field Id" => "Content Field Id",
// "Account Field Id" => "Account Field Id",
// "Datetime Field Id" => "Datetime Field Id",
// "Displays GroupMail functions on a wiki page" => "Displays GroupMail functions on a wiki page",
// "Group Stats" => "Group Stats",
// "PluginGroupStat" => "PluginGroupStat",
// "Displays the percentage of total users that are members of groups" => "Displays the percentage of total users that are members of groups",
// "Groups separated by :. If empty, all groups will be listed" => "Groups separated by :. If empty, all groups will be listed",
// "Show Percentage" => "Show Percentage",
// "Show the percentage of total users that are members of each group (percentages are shown by default)" => "Show the percentage of total users that are members of each group (percentages are shown by default)",
// "Show Bar" => "Show Bar",
// "Represent the percentage of total users that are members of each group in a bar graph (default is not to show the bar graph)" => "Represent the percentage of total users that are members of each group in a bar graph (default is not to show the bar graph)",
// "PluginHTML" => "PluginHTML",
// "Parse wiki syntax within the html code" => "Parse wiki syntax within the html code",
// "PluginIframe" => "PluginIframe",
// "Frame title" => "Frame title",
// "Align the ifram on the page" => "Align the ifram on the page",
// "Frame Border" => "Frame Border",
// "PluginImg" => "PluginImg",
// "Display images" => "Display images",
// "Image source" => "Image source",
// "Full URL to the image to display. \"src\", id\", \"fileId\", \"attId\" or \"randomGalleryId\" required" => "Full URL to the image to display. \"src\", id\", \"fileId\", \"attId\" or \"randomGalleryId\" required",
// "Numeric ID of an image in an Image Gallery (or list separated by commas or |)" => "Numeric ID of an image in an Image Gallery (or list separated by commas or |)",
// "Numeric ID of an image in a File Gallery (or list separated by commas or |)" => "Numeric ID of an image in a File Gallery (or list separated by commas or |)",
// "Numeric ID of a File Gallery. Displays a random image from that gallery" => "Numeric ID of a File Gallery. Displays a random image from that gallery",
// "Attachment ID" => "Attachment ID",
// "Numeric ID of an image attached to a wiki page (or list separated by commas or |)" => "Numeric ID of an image attached to a wiki page (or list separated by commas or |)",
// "Makes the image a thumbnail that enlarges to full size when clicked or moused over (unless \"link\" is set to another target). \"browse\" and \"browsepopup\" only work with image gallery and \"download\" only works with file gallery or attachments" => "Makes the image a thumbnail that enlarges to full size when clicked or moused over (unless \"link\" is set to another target). \"browse\" and \"browsepopup\" only work with image gallery and \"download\" only works with file gallery or attachments",
// "Full size image appears when thumbnail is clicked" => "Full size image appears when thumbnail is clicked",
// "Mouseover" => "Mouseover",
// "Full size image will pop up while cursor is over the thumbnail (and disappear when not)" => "Full size image will pop up while cursor is over the thumbnail (and disappear when not)",
// "Mouseover (Sticky)" => "Mouseover (Sticky)",
// "Full size image will pop up once cursor passes over thumbnail and will remain up unless cursor passes over full size popup" => "Full size image will pop up once cursor passes over thumbnail and will remain up unless cursor passes over full size popup",
// "Popup" => "Popup",
// "Full size image will open in a separate winow or tab (depending on browser settings) when thumbnail is clicked" => "Full size image will open in a separate winow or tab (depending on browser settings) when thumbnail is clicked",
// "Image gallery browse window for the image will open when the thumbnail is clicked if the image is in a Tiki image gallery" => "Image gallery browse window for the image will open when the thumbnail is clicked if the image is in a Tiki image gallery",
// "Browse Popup" => "Browse Popup",
// "Same as \"browse\" except that the page opens in a new window or tab" => "Same as \"browse\" except that the page opens in a new window or tab",
// "Download dialog box will appear for file gallery and attachment images when thumbnail is clicked" => "Download dialog box will appear for file gallery and attachment images when thumbnail is clicked",
// "Enlarge button" => "Enlarge button",
// "Button for enlarging image" => "Button for enlarging image",
// "Enter a url to the address the image should link to. Not needed if thumb parameter is set; overrides thumb setting" => "Enter a url to the address the image should link to. Not needed if thumb parameter is set; overrides thumb setting",
// "Link relation" => "Link relation",
// "Enter \"box\" for colorbox effect (like shadowbox and lightbox) or appropriate syntax for link relation" => "Enter \"box\" for colorbox effect (like shadowbox and lightbox) or appropriate syntax for link relation",
// "Image map" => "Image map",
// "Name of the image map to use for the image" => "Name of the image map to use for the image",
// "Height in pixels or percent. Syntax: \"100\" or \"100px\" means 100 pixels; \"50%\" means 50 percent" => "Height in pixels or percent. Syntax: \"100\" or \"100px\" means 100 pixels; \"50%\" means 50 percent",
// "Width in pixels or percent. Syntax: \"100\" or \"100px\" means 100 pixels; \"50%\" means 50 percent" => "Width in pixels or percent. Syntax: \"100\" or \"100px\" means 100 pixels; \"50%\" means 50 percent",
// "Maximum image size" => "Maximum image size",
// "Maximum height or width in pixels (largest dimension is scaled). Overrides height and width settings" => "Maximum height or width in pixels (largest dimension is scaled). Overrides height and width settings",
// "Align image" => "Align image",
// "Aligns the image itself. If the image is inside a box (because of other settings), use the align parameter to align the box" => "Aligns the image itself. If the image is inside a box (because of other settings), use the align parameter to align the box",
// "Image style" => "Image style",
// "Enter \"border\" to place a dark gray border around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects" => "Enter \"border\" to place a dark gray border around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects",
// "Align image block" => "Align image block",
// "Aligns the box containing the image" => "Aligns the box containing the image",
// "Image block style" => "Image block style",
// "Enter \"border\" to place a dark gray border frame around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects" => "Enter \"border\" to place a dark gray border frame around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects",
// "Description style" => "Description style",
// "Enter \"right\" or \"left\" to align text accordingly. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects" => "Enter \"right\" or \"left\" to align text accordingly. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects",
// "Wrapping control" => "Wrapping control",
// "Control how other items wrap around the image" => "Control how other items wrap around the image",
// "CSS class to apply to the image" => "CSS class to apply to the image",
// "Image caption. \"desc\" or \"name\" or \"namedesc\" for tiki images, \"idesc\" or \"ititle\" for iptc data, otherwise enter your own description" => "Image caption. \"desc\" or \"name\" or \"namedesc\" for tiki images, \"idesc\" or \"ititle\" for iptc data, otherwise enter your own description",
// "Link title" => "Link title",
// "Title text. \"desc\" or \"name\" or \"namedesc\", otherwise enter your own title" => "Title text. \"desc\" or \"name\" or \"namedesc\", otherwise enter your own title",
// "Alternate text" => "Alternate text",
// "Alternate text that displays when image does not load. Set to \"Image\" by default" => "Alternate text that displays when image does not load. Set to \"Image\" by default",
// "Default config settings" => "Default config settings",
// "Default configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias)" => "Default configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias)",
// "Mandatory admin setting" => "Mandatory admin setting",
// "Mandatory configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias)" => "Mandatory configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias)",
// "File is not an image" => "File is not an image",
// "Server does not support image manipulation" => "Server does not support image manipulation",
// "Enlarge" => "Enlarge",
// "''No image specified. Either the fileId, randomGalleryId, attId, id, or src parameter must be specified.''" => "''No image specified. Either the fileId, randomGalleryId, attId, id, or src parameter must be specified.''",
// "''Use one and only one of the following parameters: fileId, randomGalleryId, attId, id, or src.''" => "''Use one and only one of the following parameters: fileId, randomGalleryId, attId, id, or src.''",
// "PluginInclude" => "PluginInclude",
// "Include a page\\'s content" => "Include a page\\'s content",
// "Wiki page name to include" => "Wiki page name to include",
// "When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker from which inclusion should start" => "When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker from which inclusion should start",
// "When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker at which inclusion should end" => "When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker at which inclusion should end",
// "Nopage Text" => "Nopage Text",
// "Text to show when no page is found" => "Text to show when no page is found",
// "Page Denied Text" => "Page Denied Text",
// "Text to show when the page exists but is denied to the user" => "Text to show when the page exists but is denied to the user",
// "Invite" => "Invite",
// "PluginInvite" => "PluginInvite",
// "Invite an email in groups" => "Invite an email in groups",
// "Confirmation message after posting form" => "Confirmation message after posting form",
// "Including Group" => "Including Group",
// "Will list only the groups that include this group" => "Will list only the groups that include this group",
// "Dropdown list will show this group by default" => "Dropdown list will show this group by default",
// "Dropdown list will show the group related to this item ID (in group selector or creator field) by default" => "Dropdown list will show the group related to this item ID (in group selector or creator field) by default",
// "Jabber" => "Jabber",
// "PluginJabber" => "PluginJabber",
// "Applet height in pixels" => "Applet height in pixels",
// "Applet width in pixels" => "Applet width in pixels",
// "XML Host Name" => "XML Host Name",
// "Web site where XML is hosted. Default is" => "Web site where XML is hosted. Default is",
// "Default Color" => "Default Color",
// "Set default color. Default is 255,255,255" => "Set default color. Default is 255,255,255",
// "jQuery" => "jQuery",
// "PluginJQ" => "PluginJQ",
// "Inserts JavaScript code. By default this is only executed after jQuery determines that the DOM is fully loaded" => "Inserts JavaScript code. By default this is only executed after jQuery determines that the DOM is fully loaded",
// "JavaScript code" => "JavaScript code",
// "Not On Ready" => "Not On Ready",
// "No JavaScript" => "No JavaScript",
// "Optional markup for when JavaScript is off" => "Optional markup for when JavaScript is off",
// "Insert JQuery javascript code" => "Insert JQuery javascript code",
// "jquery code e.g. \$(\"img\\" => "jquery code e.g. \$(\"img\\",
// "Do not execute on document ready (execute inline)" => "Do not execute on document ready (execute inline)",
// "Javascript" => "Javascript",
// "PluginJS" => "PluginJS",
// "Insert a javascript file and/or some javascript code" => "Insert a javascript file and/or some javascript code",
// "javascript code" => "javascript code",
// "Javascript filename" => "Javascript filename",
// "Insert a javascript file or/and some javascript code" => "Insert a javascript file or/and some javascript code",
// "Kaltura video" => "Kaltura video",
// "PluginKaltura" => "PluginKaltura",
// "Displays a KALTURA video on the wiki page" => "Displays a KALTURA video on the wiki page",
// "Kaltura Entry ID" => "Kaltura Entry ID",
// "Kaltura entry ID of the video to be displayed" => "Kaltura entry ID of the video to be displayed",
// "PluginLang" => "PluginLang",
// "Displays the text only if the language matches" => "Displays the text only if the language matches",
// "List of languages for which the block is displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs" => "List of languages for which the block is displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs",
// "Not Language" => "Not Language",
// "List of languages for which the block is not displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs" => "List of languages for which the block is not displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Multiple languages can be specified by separating codes by + signs",
// "PluginLastMod" => "PluginLastMod",
// "The Last Mod plugin displays the last modification time of the named wiki page, or the current page if no name given" => "The Last Mod plugin displays the last modification time of the named wiki page, or the current page if no name given",
// "Page name to display information of. Default value is current page" => "Page name to display information of. Default value is current page",
// "PluginListpages" => "PluginListpages",
// "Result number at which the listing should start" => "Result number at which the listing should start",
// "Limit number of items displayed in the list. Default is to display all" => "Limit number of items displayed in the list. Default is to display all",
// "Initial" => "Initial",
// "txt" => "txt",
// "Show Name Only" => "Show Name Only",
// "Show only the page names" => "Show only the page names",
// "Category filter" => "Category filter",
// "If set to a category identifier, restrict the pages displayed to those in the specified category" => "If set to a category identifier, restrict the pages displayed to those in the specified category",
// "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by colons (:), restrict the pages to those in any of the specified categories" => "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by colons (:), restrict the pages to those in any of the specified categories",
// "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by plus signs (+), only display a page if it is in all of the specified categories" => "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by plus signs (+), only display a page if it is in all of the specified categories",
// "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by minus signs (-), only display a page if it is in the first specified category and not in any of the following categories" => "If set to a list of category identifiers separated by minus signs (-), only display a page if it is in the first specified category and not in any of the following categories",
// "Structure Head" => "Structure Head",
// "Filter by structure head" => "Filter by structure head",
// "Show Page Alias" => "Show Page Alias",
// "Show page alias in the list" => "Show page alias in the list",
// "Only pages with names similar the text entered for this parameter will be listed" => "Only pages with names similar the text entered for this parameter will be listed",
// "Two letter language code to filter pages listed" => "Two letter language code to filter pages listed",
// "Orphan Language" => "Orphan Language",
// "Two letter language code to filter pages listed. Only pages not available in the provided language will be listed" => "Two letter language code to filter pages listed. Only pages not available in the provided language will be listed",
// "Load Translations" => "Load Translations",
// "User or pipe separated list of two letter language codes for additional languages to display. If the language parameter is not defined, the first element of this list will be used as the primary filter" => "User or pipe separated list of two letter language codes for additional languages to display. If the language parameter is not defined, the first element of this list will be used as the primary filter",
// "Exact Match" => "Exact Match",
// "Page name and text entered for the filter parameter must match exactly to be listed" => "Page name and text entered for the filter parameter must match exactly to be listed",
// "Only Orphan Pages" => "Only Orphan Pages",
// "Only list orphan pages" => "Only list orphan pages",
// "For List Pages" => "For List Pages",
// "Sort ascending or descending on any field in the tiki_pages table. Syntax is field name followed by _asc or _desc. Example: " => "Sort ascending or descending on any field in the tiki_pages table. Syntax is field name followed by _asc or _desc. Example: ",
// "Length" => "Length",
// "Number of characters to display" => "Number of characters to display",
// "List Directory" => "List Directory",
// "PluginLsDir" => "PluginLsDir",
// "Full path to the server-local directory. Default is the document root" => "Full path to the server-local directory. Default is the document root",
// "URL Prefix" => "URL Prefix",
// "Make the file name a link to the file by adding the url path preceding the file name. Example:" => "Make the file name a link to the file by adding the url path preceding the file name. Example:",
// "Set the sort order of the file list" => "Set the sort order of the file list",
// "File Size" => "File Size",
// "Last Access" => "Last Access",
// "Last Metadata Change" => "Last Metadata Change",
// "Only list files with filenames that contain this filter. Example: \".jpg\"" => "Only list files with filenames that contain this filter. Example: \".jpg\"",
// "Limit" => "Limit",
// "Maximum amount of files to display. Default is no limit" => "Maximum amount of files to display. Default is no limit",
// "PluginMail" => "PluginMail",
// "Directly mail other users or groups" => "Directly mail other users or groups",
// "Limit the group to the groups including this group" => "Limit the group to the groups including this group",
// "Show Group Dropdown" => "Show Group Dropdown",
// "Show a dropdown list of groups (not shown by default)" => "Show a dropdown list of groups (not shown by default)",
// "Show User Dropdown" => "Show User Dropdown",
// "Show a dropdown list of users (not shown by default)" => "Show a dropdown list of users (not shown by default)",
// "User Autocomplete" => "User Autocomplete",
// "Show an autocomplete box on user name" => "Show an autocomplete box on user name",
// "Real Name Dropdown" => "Real Name Dropdown",
// "Show a dropdown list of user real names (not shown by default)" => "Show a dropdown list of user real names (not shown by default)",
// "PluginMap" => "PluginMap",
// "Map File" => "Map File",
// "Map file identifier" => "Map file identifier",
// "Extents" => "Extents",
// "Size of the map" => "Size of the map",
// "Width of the map" => "Width of the map",
// "Height of the map" => "Height of the map",
// "Mayan Calendars Info" => "Mayan Calendars Info",
// "PluginMCalendarInfo" => "PluginMCalendarInfo",
// "Convert date from Gregorian to Mayan Calendars: Tzolkin, Haab, Long Count" => "Convert date from Gregorian to Mayan Calendars: Tzolkin, Haab, Long Count",
// "You must use the variable substitution" => "You must use the variable substitution",
// "LongCount: " => "LongCount: ",
// "Tzolkin: " => "Tzolkin: ",
// "Haab: " => "Haab: ",
// "Misc: " => "Misc: ",
// "Example: template " => "Example: template ",
// "for 22.05.2009 will return, 8 CHUEN, 9 SIP" => "for 22.05.2009 will return, 8 CHUEN, 9 SIP",
// "Default template: " => "Default template: ",
// "Gregorian date" => "Gregorian date",
// "Gregorian date for convert. Format: DD.MM.YYYY. Default: Today date" => "Gregorian date for convert. Format: DD.MM.YYYY. Default: Today date",
// "Mayan Calendars" => "Mayan Calendars",
// " is not a valid date format. should be" => " is not a valid date format. should be",
// "Inline Flash mp3 and flv Player" => "Inline Flash mp3 and flv Player",
// "Mediaplayer" => "Mediaplayer",
// "PluginMediaplayer" => "PluginMediaplayer",
// "Simple mp3 or flv Player" => "Simple mp3 or flv Player",
// "Allow Fullscreen" => "Allow Fullscreen",
// "Allow fullscreen mode" => "Allow fullscreen mode",
// "MP3 URL" => "MP3 URL",
// "Complete URL to the mp3 to include" => "Complete URL to the mp3 to include",
// "FLV URL" => "FLV URL",
// "Complete URL to the flv to include" => "Complete URL to the flv to include",
// "Complete URL to the media to include" => "Complete URL to the media to include",
// "One of" => "One of",
// "Flash Window Mode" => "Flash Window Mode",
// "Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie. Transparent lets what\\'s behind the movie show through and allows the movie to be covered \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Opaque hides what\\'s behind the movie and Window plays the movie in its own window. Default value: " => "Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie. Transparent lets what\\'s behind the movie show through and allows the movie to be covered \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Opaque hides what\\'s behind the movie and Window plays the movie in its own window. Default value: ",
// "Opaque" => "Opaque",
// "Window" => "Window",
// "Member List" => "Member List",
// "PluginMemberList" => "PluginMemberList",
// "Lists the members of selected groups and allows to add or remove members if permissions are granted" => "Lists the members of selected groups and allows to add or remove members if permissions are granted",
// "List of groups to handle through the interface. Colon separated" => "List of groups to handle through the interface. Colon separated",
// "Member Payment" => "Member Payment",
// "PluginMemberPayment" => "PluginMemberPayment",
// "Receive payments from a member and extend the length of the membership to a group" => "Receive payments from a member and extend the length of the membership to a group",
// "Name of the group for which the subscription should be added or extended" => "Name of the group for which the subscription should be added or extended",
// "Price per period (%0)" => "Price per period (%0)",
// "Current User Member" => "Current User Member",
// "Membership only for the current user" => "Membership only for the current user",
// "Input Title" => "Input Title",
// "Title of the input form" => "Title of the input form",
// "Use %0 for the group name" => "Use %0 for the group name",
// "Supports wiki syntax" => "Supports wiki syntax",
// "How Title" => "How Title",
// "Use %0 for the group name, %4 for the number of days or %5 for the number of years" => "Use %0 for the group name, %4 for the number of days or %5 for the number of years",
// "Membership to %0 for %1 (x%2)" => "Membership to %0 for %1 (x%2)",
// "Membership to %0 for %1 users (x%2)" => "Membership to %0 for %1 users (x%2)",
// "The group " => "The group ",
// " does not have a membership term" => " does not have a membership term",
// " Go to " => " Go to ",
// "Admin > Groups" => "Admin > Groups",
// " to specify a term for this group by automatically unassigning users after a certain number of days" => " to specify a term for this group by automatically unassigning users after a certain number of days",
// " does not exist" => " does not exist",
// "Mini Quiz" => "Mini Quiz",
// "PluginMiniQuiz" => "PluginMiniQuiz",
// "Displays a miniquiz" => "Displays a miniquiz",
// "Instructions::Feedback" => "Instructions::Feedback",
// "Tracker ID" => "Tracker ID",
// "Numeric value representing the miniquiz tracker ID" => "Numeric value representing the miniquiz tracker ID",
// "Insert Module" => "Insert Module",
// "PluginModule" => "PluginModule",
// "Displays a module inline in a wiki page. More parameters can be added, not supported by User Interface" => "Displays a module inline in a wiki page. More parameters can be added, not supported by User Interface",
// "Module name as known in Tiki" => "Module name as known in Tiki",
// "Align the module to the left or right on the page allowing other elements to align against it" => "Align the module to the left or right on the page allowing other elements to align against it",
// "Decoration" => "Decoration",
// "Show box decorations (default is to show them)" => "Show box decorations (default is to show them)",
// "Add ability to show/hide the content of the module (default is the site admin setting for modules)" => "Add ability to show/hide the content of the module (default is the site admin setting for modules)",
// "Parse wiki syntax (default is to parse)" => "Parse wiki syntax (default is to parse)",
// "Show/hide module title (default is to show the title)" => "Show/hide module title (default is to show the title)",
// "Show title" => "Show title",
// "Hide title" => "Hide title",
// "Monospace" => "Monospace",
// "PluginMono" => "PluginMono",
// "Font name as known in browsers" => "Font name as known in browsers",
// "PluginMouseover" => "PluginMouseover",
// "Create a mouseover feature on some text" => "Create a mouseover feature on some text",
// "Mouseover text if param label exists. Page text if text param exists" => "Mouseover text if param label exists. Page text if text param exists",
// "Text displayed on the page. The body is the mouseover content" => "Text displayed on the page. The body is the mouseover content",
// "Destination link when mouseover text is clicked. Use http:// for external links" => "Destination link when mouseover text is clicked. Use http:// for external links",
// "Text displayed on the mouseover. The body contains the text of the page" => "Text displayed on the mouseover. The body contains the text of the page",
// "Mouseover box width. Default: 400px" => "Mouseover box width. Default: 400px",
// "Mouseover box height. Default: 200px" => "Mouseover box height. Default: 200px",
// "Offset X" => "Offset X",
// "Shifts the overlay to the right by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 5" => "Shifts the overlay to the right by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 5",
// "Offset Y" => "Offset Y",
// "Shifts the overlay lower by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 0" => "Shifts the overlay lower by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 0",
// "Parse Body" => "Parse Body",
// "Parse the body of the plugin as wiki content (parsed by default)" => "Parse the body of the plugin as wiki content (parsed by default)",
// "Parse Label" => "Parse Label",
// "Parse the label as wiki content (parsed by default)" => "Parse the label as wiki content (parsed by default)",
// "CSS class to apply" => "CSS class to apply",
// "Background color to apply to the popup" => "Background color to apply to the popup",
// "Text Color" => "Text Color",
// "Color to apply to the text in the popup" => "Color to apply to the text in the popup",
// "When enabled, popup stays visible until it is clicked" => "When enabled, popup stays visible until it is clicked",
// "Padding" => "Padding",
// "Padding size in pixels" => "Padding size in pixels",
// "Effect" => "Effect",
// "Set the type of show/hide animation that will be used" => "Set the type of show/hide animation that will be used",
// "Effect Speed" => "Effect Speed",
// "Set the speed of the animation" => "Set the speed of the animation",
// "Close Delay" => "Close Delay",
// "Number of seconds before popup closes" => "Number of seconds before popup closes",
// "No label specified" => "No label specified",
// "MWTable" => "MWTable",
// "PluginMWTable" => "PluginMWTable",
// "Displays a table using MediaWiki syntax (experimental - may change in future versions)" => "Displays a table using MediaWiki syntax (experimental - may change in future versions)",
// "Fancy" => "Fancy",
// "Set to true to apply additional formatting to the table (header style, odd/even rows, etc.)" => "Set to true to apply additional formatting to the table (header style, odd/even rows, etc.)",
// "True" => "True",
// "False" => "False",
// "Wiki Classes" => "Wiki Classes",
// "Determines whether wiki style classes will be used for the table and cells (used by default)" => "Determines whether wiki style classes will be used for the table and cells (used by default)",
// "Displays the data using (sort of) MediaWiki syntax" => "Displays the data using (sort of) MediaWiki syntax",

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